
Timothy X. Brown

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19EEEric W. Frew, Timothy X. Brown: Networking Issues for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54(1-3): 21-37 (2009)
18EEYikun Zhang, Timothy X. Brown: Aisle Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. WCNC 2008: 2705-2710
17EEDaniel Henkel, Timothy X. Brown: Towards autonomous data ferry route design through reinforcement learning. WOWMOM 2008: 1-6
16EETimothy X. Brown, Amita Sethi: Potential Cognitive Radio Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities and Protection Countermeasures: a Multi-dimensional Analysis and Assessment. MONET 13(5): 516-532 (2008)
15EEQi Wang, Timothy X. Brown: Public safety and commercial spectrum sharing via network pricing and admission control. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(3): 622-632 (2007)
14EETimothy X. Brown, Jesse E. James, Amita Sethi: Jamming and sensing of encrypted wireless ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2006: 120-130
13EETimothy X. Brown: A Harmful Interference Model for Unlicensed Device Operation in Licensed service Bands. JCM 1(1): 13-25 (2006)
12EETimothy X. Brown, Harold N. Gabow: The limits of input-queued switch performance with future packet arrival information. Computer Networks 42(4): 441-460 (2003)
11 Hui Tong, Timothy X. Brown: Reinforcement Learning for Call Admission Control and Routing under Quality of Service Constraints in Multimedia Networks. Machine Learning 49(2-3): 111-139 (2002)
10EESheetalkumar Doshi, Shweta Bhandare, Timothy X. Brown: An on-demand minimum energy routing protocol for a wireless ad hoc network. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6(3): 50-66 (2002)
9EETimothy X. Brown, Harold N. Gabow, Qi Zhang: Maximum flow-life curve for a wireless ad hoc network. MobiHoc 2001: 128-136
8EETimothy X. Brown: Switch Packet Arbitration via Queue-Learning. NIPS 2001: 1337-1344
7 Timothy X. Brown: Direct Classification with Indirect Data. NIPS 2000: 381-387
6 Timothy X. Brown: Classifying Loss Rates in Broadband Networks. INFOCOM 1999: 361-370
5EETimothy X. Brown: Low Power Wireless Communication via Reinforcement Learning. NIPS 1999: 893-899
4EETimothy X. Brown, Hui Tong, Satinder P. Singh: Optimizing Admission Control while Ensuring Quality of Service in Multimedia Networks via Reinforcement Learning. NIPS 1998: 982-988
3EETimothy X. Brown: Adaptive Access Control Applied to Ethernet Data. NIPS 1996: 932-938
2 Yurdaer N. Doganata, Timothy X. Brown, Edward C. Posner: Call Setup Strategy Tradeoffs for Universal Digital Portable Communications. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 20(1): 455-464 (1990)
1 Timothy X. Brown, Kuo-Hui Liu: Neural Network Design of a Banyan Network Controller. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(8): 1428-1438 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Shweta Bhandare [10]
2Yurdaer N. Doganata [2]
3Sheetalkumar Doshi [10]
4Eric W. Frew [19]
5Harold N. Gabow [9] [12]
6Daniel Henkel [17]
7Jesse E. James [14]
8Kuo-Hui Liu [1]
9Edward C. Posner [2]
10Amita Sethi [14] [16]
11Satinder P. Singh [4]
12Hui Tong [4] [11]
13Qi Wang [15]
14Qi Zhang [9]
15Yikun Zhang [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)