
Julien Broisin

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9 Julien Broisin, Philippe Vidal: Exploitation of Tracking Information: An Automatic Mechanism to Keep Learning Designs Up-to-Date. CSREA EEE 2008: 461-466
8EEOlivier Catteau, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin: A Service Providing Awareness of Learning Object Evolutions in a Distributed Environment. EC-TEL 2008: 74-85
7EEOlivier Catteau, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin: Learning Object Virtualization Allowing for Learning Object Assessments and Suggestions for Use. ICALT 2008: 579-583
6EEJulien Broisin, Philippe Vidal: From a Specific Tracking Framework to an Open and Standardized Attention Environment Based on Attention.XML. EC-TEL 2007: 1-13
5EEJulien Broisin, Philippe Vidal, Daniel Marquie, Olivier Catteau: The International E-Miage project: from an Isolated Framework to an Architecture Based on Learning Standards. AICT/ICIW 2006: 10
4EEOlivier Catteau, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin: A Generic Representation Allowing for Expression of Learning Object and Metadata Lifecycle. ICALT 2006: 30-32
3EEJulien Broisin, Philippe Vidal: A Management Framework to Recommend and Review Learning Objects in a Web-based Learning Environment. ICALT 2006: 41-42
2EEJulien Broisin, Philippe Vidal, Michael Meire, Erik Duval: Bridging the Gap between Learning Management Systems and Learning Object Repositories: Exploiting Learning Context Information. AICT/SAPIR/ELETE 2005: 478-483
1 Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin, Erik Duval, Stefaan Ternier: Learning objects interoperability: The ARIADNE experience. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 551-556

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Catteau [4] [5] [7] [8]
2Erik Duval [1] [2]
3Daniel Marquie [5]
4Michael Meire [2]
5Stefaan Ternier [1]
6Philippe Vidal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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