
Nigel W. John

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13EET. Coles, Nigel W. John, D. A. Gould, Darwin G. Caldwell: Haptic Palpation for the Femoral Pulse in Virtual Interventional Radiology. ACHI 2009: 193-198
12EEF. P. Vidal, Nigel W. John, A. E. Healey, D. A. Gould: Simulation of ultrasound guided needle puncture using patient specific data with 3D textures and volume haptics. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 19(2): 111-127 (2008)
11EEF. P. Vidal, Fernando Bello, Ken W. Brodlie, Nigel W. John, Derek Gould, R. Phillips, N. J. Avis: Principles and Applications of Computer Graphics in Medicine. Comput. Graph. Forum 25(1): 113-137 (2006)
10 Nigel W. John, Sandy Ressler, Luca Chittaro, David A. Duce: Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Web3D 2005, Bangor, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2005 ACM 2005
9EENigel W. John: Cybermedicine - What is possible, and is it useful?. CW 2005: 12-13
8EER. Andrew Davies, Nigel W. John, John N. MacDonald, Keith H. Hughes: Visualization of molecular quantum dynamics: a molecular visualization tool with integrated Web3D and haptics. Web3D 2005: 143-150
7EEKen Brodlie, John Brooke, Min Chen, David Chisnall, Ade Fewings, Chris Hughes, Nigel W. John, Mark W. Jones, Mark Riding, Nicolas Roard: Visual Supercomputing: Technologies, Applications and Challenges. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(2): 217-245 (2005)
6 Rory F. McCloy, Nigel W. John: Remote visualisation of patient data in the operating theatre during hepatopancreatic surgery. CARS 2003: 53-58
5EENeil R. Watson, Nigel W. John, William J. Crowther: Simulation of Unmanned Air Vehicle Flocking. TPCG 2003: 130-137
4EENigel W. John: High Performance Visualization in a Hospital Operating Theatre. TPCG 2003: 170-177
3EENigel W. John, Ken Brodlie, Fernando Bello: Web3D for medical education and training. Web3D 2003: 188-189
2 Nigel W. John, anonymous: Reviews. Presence 12(4): 441-442 (2003)
1EENigel W. John, Mark Riding, I. Ari Sadarjoen, Liad Blumrozen: Bringing 3D to Teleradiology. IV 2000: 4-

Coauthor Index

1N. J. Avis [11]
2Fernando Bello [3] [11]
3Liad Blumrozen [1]
4Ken Brodlie (Ken W. Brodlie) [3] [7] [11]
5John Brooke [7]
6Darwin G. Caldwell [13]
7Min Chen [7]
8David Chisnall [7]
9Luca Chittaro [10]
10T. Coles [13]
11William J. Crowther [5]
12R. Andrew Davies [8]
13David A. Duce [10]
14Ade Fewings [7]
15D. A. Gould [12] [13]
16Derek Gould [11]
17A. E. Healey [12]
18Chris Hughes [7]
19Keith H. Hughes [8]
20Mark W. Jones [7]
21John N. MacDonald [8]
22Rory F. McCloy [6]
23R. Phillips [11]
24Sandy Ressler [10]
25Mark Riding [1] [7]
26Nicolas Roard [7]
27I. Ari Sadarjoen [1]
28F. P. Vidal [11] [12]
29Neil R. Watson [5]
30 anonymous [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)