
Günther E. Pfaff

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12EEGünther E. Pfaff, R. Müller, B. Kirsch: A verifier for checking the conformance of programs with the GKS standard. Computers & Graphics 9(1): 19-25 (1985)
11EEGünther E. Pfaff: Functional conformance testing of graphics software using a configurable reference system. Computers & Graphics 8(1): 29-37 (1984)
10EEKen W. Brodlie, M. C. Maguire, Günther E. Pfaff: A practical strategy for certifying GKS implementations. Computers & Graphics 8(2): 125-133 (1984)
9 Günther E. Pfaff: The Construction of Operator Interfaces Based on Logical Input Devices. Acta Inf. 19: 151-166 (1983)
8 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: Report on the EEC Workshop on Certification of Graphics Software - Rixensart, Belgium. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(1): 23-24 (1983)
7 José L. Encarnação, R. Lindner, M. Mehl, Günther E. Pfaff, Wolfgang Straßer: A VLSI Implementation of the Graphics Standard GKS. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(2-3): 115-121 (1983)
6 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: An Algorithmic Interpretation of the GKS TEXT Primitive. Comput. Graph. Forum 2(4): 233-241 (1983)
5EEGünther E. Pfaff: Certification/validation of graphics software. Computers & Graphics 7(2): 203-204 (1983)
4 Günter Enderle, Klaus Kansy, Günther E. Pfaff, Franz Josef Prester: Die Funktionen des Graphischen Kernsystems. Informatik Spektrum 6(2): 55-75 (1983)
3 Günther E. Pfaff: Zertifizierung graphischer Systeme. Informatik Spektrum 6(2): 87-95 (1983)
2 Günther E. Pfaff: Die Konzeption, Programmierung und Anwendung des graphischen Kernsystems GKS. GI Jahrestagung 1982: 152-169
1 Ken Brodlie, Günther E. Pfaff: Report on the EEC Workshop on Graphics Certification - Defining a Device for Certification (Miltenberg/Darmstadt, FRG, 25-28 April 1982). Comput. Graph. Forum 1(3): 88-90 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Ken Brodlie (Ken W. Brodlie) [1] [6] [8] [10]
2José L. Encarnação [7]
3Günter Enderle [4]
4Klaus Kansy [4]
5B. Kirsch [12]
6R. Lindner [7]
7M. C. Maguire [10]
8M. Mehl [7]
9R. Müller [12]
10Franz Josef Prester [4]
11Wolfgang Straßer [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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