
Faye A. Briggs

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26EEFaye A. Briggs, Suresh Chittor, Kai Cheng: Micro-architecture techniques in the intel E8870 scalable memory controller. WMPI 2004: 30-36
25EEChitra Natarajan, Bruce Christenson, Faye A. Briggs: A study of performance impact of memory controller features in multi-processor server environment. WMPI 2004: 80-87
24EEMani Azimi, Faye A. Briggs, Michel Cekleov, Manoj Khare, Akhilesh Kumar, Lily Pao Looi: Scalability Port: A Coherent Interface for Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Hot Interconnects 2002: 65-70
23EEFaye A. Briggs, Michel Cekleov, Ken Creta, Manoj Khare, Steve Kulick, Akhilesh Kumar, Lily Pao Looi, Chitra Natarajan, Sivakumar Radhakrishnan, Linda Rankin: Intel 870: A Building Block for Cost-Effective, Scalable Servers. IEEE Micro 22(2): 36-47 (2002)
22EEMichel Dubois, Christoph Scheurich, Faye A. Briggs: Memory Access Buffering in Multiprocessors. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 320-328
21 Roland L. Lee, Alex Y. Kwok, Faye A. Briggs: The Floating-Point Performance of a Superscalar SPARC Processor. ASPLOS 1991: 28-37
20 Jin-Chin Wang, Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: Analytical Modeling for Finite Cache Effects. ICPP (1) 1991: 287-291
19 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: The Run-Time Efficiency of Parallel Asynchronous Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(11): 1260-1266 (1991)
18 Sandra Johnson Baylor, Faye A. Briggs: The Effects of Cache Coherence on the Performance of Parallel PDE Algorithms in Multiprocessors. ICPP (1) 1989: 233-236
17 Michel Dubois, Christoph Scheurich, Faye A. Briggs: Synchronization, Coherence, and Event Ordering in Multiprocessors. IEEE Computer 21(2): 9-21 (1988)
16 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs, Indira Patil, Meera Balakrishnan: Trace-Driven Simulations of Parallel and Distributed Algorithms in Multiprocessors. ICPP 1986: 909-916
15 Michel Dubois, Christoph Scheurich, Faye A. Briggs: Memory Access Buffering in Multiprocessors. ISCA 1986: 434-442
14 Harriett B. Rigas, Taylor L. Booth, Faye A. Briggs, Tadao Murata, Harold S. Stone: Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Research in Japan. IEEE Computer 18(9): 83-90 (1985)
13 Faye A. Briggs, Michel Dubois: Effectiveness of Private Caches in Multiprocessor Systems with Parallel-Pipelined Memories. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(1): 48-59 (1983)
12 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: An approximate analytical model for asynchronous processes in multiprocessors. ICPP 1982: 290-297
11EEMichel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: Effects of cache coherency in multiprocessors. ISCA 1982: 299-308
10 Kai Hwang, William J. Croft, George H. Goble, Benjamin W. Wah, Faye A. Briggs, William R. Simmons, Clarence L. Coates: A Unix-Based Local Computer Network with Load Balancing. IEEE Computer 15(4): 55-64 (1982)
9 Faye A. Briggs, King-sun Fu, Kai Hwang, Benjamin W. Wah: PUMPS Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(10): 969-983 (1982)
8 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: Effects of Cache Coherency in Multiprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(11): 1083-1099 (1982)
7 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: Performance of Synchronized Iterative Processes in Multiprocessor Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(4): 419-431 (1982)
6EEKai Hwang, Benjamin W. Wah, Faye A. Briggs: Engineering computer network (ECN): a hardwired network of UNIX computer systems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 191-201
5 Michel Dubois, Faye A. Briggs: Efficient Interprocessor Communications for MIMD Multiprocessor Systems. ISCA 1981: 187-196
4 Faye A. Briggs, Michel Dubois, Kai Hwang: Throughout Analysis and Configuration Design of a Shared-Resource Multiprocessor System: PUMPS. ISCA 1981: 67-80
3 Faye A. Briggs, Michel Dubois: Performance of Cache-Based Multiprocessors. SIGMETRICS 1981: 181-190
2 Faye A. Briggs: Performance of Memory Configurations for Parallel-Pipelined Computers. ISCA 1978: 202-209
1 Faye A. Briggs, Edward S. Davidson: Organization of Semiconductor Memories for Parallel-Pipelined Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(2): 162-169 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Mani Azimi [24]
2Meera Balakrishnan [16]
3Sandra Johnson Baylor [18]
4Taylor L. Booth [14]
5Michel Cekleov [23] [24]
6Kai Cheng [26]
7Suresh Chittor [26]
8Bruce Christenson [25]
9Clarence L. Coates [10]
10Ken Creta [23]
11William J. Croft [10]
12Edward S. Davidson [1]
13Michel Dubois [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [22]
14King-sun Fu [9]
15George H. Goble [10]
16Kai Hwang [4] [6] [9] [10]
17Manoj Khare [23] [24]
18Steve Kulick [23]
19Akhilesh Kumar [23] [24]
20Alex Y. Kwok [21]
21Roland L. Lee [21]
22Lily Pao Looi [23] [24]
23Tadao Murata [14]
24Chitra Natarajan [23] [25]
25Indira Patil [16]
26Sivakumar Radhakrishnan [23]
27Linda Rankin [23]
28Harriett B. Rigas [14]
29Christoph Scheurich [15] [17] [22]
30William R. Simmons [10]
31Harold S. Stone [14]
32Benjamin W. Wah [6] [9] [10]
33Jin-Chin Wang [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)