
H. Isil Bozma

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15 Halûk Bayram, Aysin Ertüzün, H. Isil Bozma: Reactive Rearrangement of Parts under Sensor Inaccuracy: Particle Filter Approach. ICRA 2006: 2029-2034
14EEB. Deniz Ilhan, Ozgur Erkent, H. Isil Bozma: Saccades and Fixating Using Artificial Potential Functions. IROS 2006: 5819-5824
13EEÇagatay Soyer, H. Isil Bozma, Yorgo Istefanopulos: APES: Attentively Perceiving Robot. Auton. Robots 20(1): 61-80 (2006)
12EEÇagatay Dikici, H. Isil Bozma, M. Reha Civanlar: Fovea Based Coding for Video Streaming. ICIAR (1) 2004: 285-294
11 Çagatay Soyer, H. Isil Bozma, Yorgo Istefanopulos: Attentional sequence-based recognition: Markovian and evidential reasoning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(6): 937-950 (2003)
10EEH. Isil Bozma, G. Çaklroglu, Çagatay Soyer: Biologically inspired Cartesian and non-Cartesian filters for attentional sequences. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1261-1274 (2003)
9 C. Serkan Karagöz, H. Isil Bozma, Daniel E. Koditschek: Event-Driven Parts' Moving in 2D Endogeneous Environments. ICRA 2000: 1076-1081
8 Salih Burak Göktürk, Lale Akarun, H. Isil Bozma: Automated inspection of PCB's using a novel approach. NSIP 1999: 180-184
7EEH. Isil Bozma, Erdem Kemik: Model-based multi-objective analysis of ultrasound image sequences in prenatal diagnosis. CVPR 1997: 942-947
6EEH. Isil Bozma, Çagatay Soyer: Shape Identification Using Probabilistic Models of Attentional Sequences. MVA 1994: 540-543
5EEH. Isil Bozma, James S. Duncan: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Integration of Modules. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(11): 1074-1086 (1994)
4EEH. Isil Bozma, James S. Duncan: Modular system for image analysis using a game-theoretic framework. Image Vision Comput. 10(6): 444-449 (1992)
3 H. Isil Bozma, James S. Duncan: Model-Based Recognition of Multiple Deformable Objects Using a Game-Theoretic Framework. IPMI 1991: 358-372
2 Philip Schaefer, H. Isil Bozma, Randall D. Beer: Knowledge-Based Validity Maintenance for Production Systems. AAAI 1986: 918-922
1 Philip Schaefer, H. Isil Bozma, Randall D. Beer: Extended Production Rules for Validity Maintenance. CAIA 1985: 613-617

Coauthor Index

1Lale Akarun [8]
2Halûk Bayram [15]
3Randall D. Beer [1] [2]
4G. Çaklroglu [10]
5M. Reha Civanlar [12]
6Çagatay Dikici [12]
7James S. Duncan [3] [4] [5]
8Ozgur Erkent [14]
9Aysin Ertüzün [15]
10Salih Burak Göktürk [8]
11B. Deniz Ilhan [14]
12Yorgo Istefanopulos [11] [13]
13C. Serkan Karagöz [9]
14Erdem Kemik [7]
15Daniel E. Koditschek [9]
16Philip Schaefer [1] [2]
17Çagatay Soyer [6] [10] [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)