Jan Borchers
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
49 | EE | Daniel Spelmezan, Mareike Jacobs, Anke Hilgers, Jan O. Borchers: Tactile motion instructions for physical activities. CHI 2009: 2243-2252 |
48 | EE | Alexander Hoffmann, Daniel Spelmezan, Jan O. Borchers: TypeRight: a keyboard with tactile error prevention. CHI 2009: 2265-2268 |
47 | EE | Malte Weiss, Julie Wagner, Yvonne Jansen, Roger Jennings, Ramsin Khoshabeh, James D. Hollan, Jan O. Borchers: SLAP widgets: bridging the gap between virtual and physical controls on tabletops. CHI 2009: 481-490 |
46 | EE | Leonhard Lichtschlag, Thorsten Karrer, Jan O. Borchers: Fly: a tool to author planar presentations. CHI 2009: 547-556 |
45 | EE | Malte Weiss, Roger Jennings, Ramsin Khoshabeh, Jan Borchers, Julie Wagner, Yvonne Jansen, James D. Hollan: SLAP widgets: bridging the gap between virtual and physical controls on tabletops. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3229-3234 |
44 | EE | Dieter Drobny, Malte Weiss, Jan Borchers: Saltate!: a sensor-based system to support dance beginners. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3943-3948 |
43 | EE | Florian Heller, Thomas Knott, Malte Weiss, Jan Borchers: Multi-user interaction in virtual audio spaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4489-4494 |
42 | EE | Max Möllers, Jonathan Diehl, Markus Jordans, Jan Borchers: Towards systematic usability verification. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4645-4650 |
41 | EE | Malte Weiss, Julie Wagner, Roger Jennings, Yvonne Jansen, Ramsin Khoshabeh, James D. Hollan, Jan Borchers: SLAPbook: tangible widgets on multi-touch tables in groupware environments. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 297-300 |
2008 | ||
40 | EE | Jan Borchers: Baroque Technology. AH 2008: 1-5 |
39 | EE | Thorsten Karrer, Malte Weiss, Eric Lee, Jan Borchers: DRAGON: a direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation. CHI 2008: 247-250 |
38 | EE | Daniel Spelmezan, Jan Borchers: Real-time snowboard training system. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3327-3332 |
37 | EE | Jan Borchers: HCI@aachen: experiments in the future of media and mobility. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3633-3638 |
36 | EE | Gero Herkenrath, Thorsten Karrer, Jan Borchers: Twend: twisting and bending as new interaction gesture in mobile devices. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3819-3824 |
35 | EE | Jonathan Diehl, Deniz Atak, Jan Borchers: Associative Information Spaces. MIRW 2008: 127-138 |
34 | Christine Sutter, Jochen Müsseler, Laszlo Bardos, Rafael Ballagas, Jan Borchers: The impact of gain change on perceiving one's own actions. Mensch & Computer 2008: 147-156 | |
33 | EE | Elaine M. Huang, Anna Koster, Jan Borchers: Overcoming Assumptions and Uncovering Practices: When Does the Public Really Look at Public Displays?. Pervasive 2008: 228-243 |
2007 | ||
32 | EE | Rafael Ballagas, Faraz Memon, Rene Reiners, Jan O. Borchers: iStuff mobile: rapidly prototyping new mobile phone interfaces for ubiquitous computing. CHI 2007: 1107-1116 |
31 | EE | Marius Wolf, Eric Lee, Jan Borchers: Education, entertainment and authenticity: lessons learned from designing an interactive exhibit about medieval music. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1887-1892 |
30 | EE | Rafael Ballagas, Sven G. Kratz, Jan O. Borchers, Eugen Yu, Steffen P. Walz, Claudia O. Fuhr, Ludger Hovestadt, Martin Tann: REXplorer: a mobile, pervasive spell-casting game for tourists. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1929-1934 |
29 | EE | J. David Smith, T. C. Nicholas Graham, David Holman, Jan Borchers: Low-Cost Malleable Surfaces with Multi-Touch Pressure Sensitivity. Tabletop 2007: 205-208 |
2006 | ||
28 | EE | Daniel Spelmezan, Jan Borchers: Minnesang: speak medieval German. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1355-1360 |
27 | EE | Eric Lee, Henning Kiel, Saskia Dedenbach, Ingo Grüll, Thorsten Karrer, Marius Wolf, Jan Borchers: iSymphony: an adaptive interactive orchestral conducting system for digital audio and video streams. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 259-262 |
26 | EE | David Holman, Predrag Stojadinovic, Thorsten Karrer, Jan Borchers: Fly: an organic presentation tool. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 863-868 |
25 | EE | Jan Borchers, Aristotelis Hadjakos, Max Mühlhäuser: MICON: A Music Stand for Interactive Conducting. NIME 2006: 254-259 |
24 | EE | Eric Lee, Ingo Grüll, Henning Kiel, Jan Borchers: conga: A Framework for Adaptive Conducting Gesture Analysis. NIME 2006: 260-265 |
23 | EE | Rafael Ballagas, Jan Borchers, Michael Rohs, Jennifer G. Sheridan: The Smart Phone: A Ubiquitous Input Device. IEEE Pervasive Computing 5(1): 70-77 (2006) |
2005 | ||
22 | EE | Eric Lee, Marius Wolf, Jan Borchers: Improving orchestral conducting systems in public spaces: examining the temporal characteristics and conceptual models of conducting gestures. CHI 2005: 731-740 |
21 | EE | Laszlo Bardos, Stefan Korinek, Eric Lee, Jan Borchers: Bangarama: Creating Music with Headbanging. NIME 2005: 180-183 |
20 | EE | Eric Lee, Jan Borchers: The Role of Time in Engineering Computer Music Systems. NIME 2005: 204-207 |
2004 | ||
19 | EE | Till Schümmer, Jan Borchers, John C. Thomas, Uwe Zdun: Human-computer-human interaction patterns: workshop on the human role in HCI patterns. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1721-1722 |
18 | EE | Eric Lee, Teresa Marrin Nakra, Jan Borchers: You're The Conductor: A Realistic Interactive Conducting System for Children. NIME 2004: 68-73 |
17 | EE | Satinder P. Gill, Jan Borchers: Knowledge in co-action: social intelligence in collaborative design activity. AI Soc. 18(1): 86- (2004) |
16 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Eric Lee, Wolfgang Samminger, Max Mühlhäuser: Personal orchestra: a real-time audio/video system for interactive conducting. Multimedia Syst. 9(5): 458-465 (2004) |
15 | EE | Jan Borchers, Eric Lee, Wolfgang Samminger, Max Mühlhäuser: Personal orchestra: a real-time audio/video system for interactive conducting. Multimedia Syst. 9(6): 594-594 (2004) |
2003 | ||
14 | EE | Rafael Ballagas, Meredith Ringel, Maureen C. Stone, Jan Borchers: iStuff: a physical user interface toolkit for ubiquitous computing environments. CHI 2003: 537-544 |
13 | Jan Borchers, Peter Forbrig, Ahmed Seffah, Martijn van Welie: IFIP WG 13.2 on Methodologies for User-Centered Systems Design: 2nd Workshop on Software and Usability Cross-Pollination - The Role of Usability Patterns. INTERACT 2003 | |
12 | EE | Satinder P. Gill, Jan Borchers: Knowledge in co-action: social intelligence in collaborative design activity. AI Soc. 17(3-4): 322-339 (2003) |
2002 | ||
11 | EE | Jan O. Borchers: "We're Done - Could You Do The User Interface Now?" Why Multimedia Systems Promise a New World of Interactivity, but Fail to Deliver. ISMSE 2002 |
10 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Wolfgang Samminger, Max Mühlhäuser: Engineering a Realistic Real-Time Conducting System for the Audio/Video Rendering of a Real Orchestra. ISMSE 2002: 352-362 |
2001 | ||
9 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Wolfgang Samminger, Max Mühlhäuser: Conducting a realistic electronic orchestra. UIST 2001: 161-162 |
8 | EE | Jan O. Borchers: A pattern approach to interaction design. AI Soc. 15(4): 359-376 (2001) |
7 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Sally Fincher, Richard N. Griffiths, Lyn Pemberton, Elke Siemon: Usability pattern language: Creating a community. AI Soc. 15(4): 377-385 (2001) |
2000 | ||
6 | Jan O. Borchers: A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 369-378 | |
1999 | ||
5 | Jan O. Borchers: Designing Interactive Music Systems: A Pattern Approach. HCI (1) 1999: 276-280 | |
1998 | ||
4 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Max Mühlhäuser: Design Patterns for Interactive Musical Systems. IEEE MultiMedia 5(3): 36-46 (1998) |
1997 | ||
3 | Jan O. Borchers: WorldBeat: Designing a Baton-Based Interface for an Interactive Music Exhibit. CHI 1997: 131-138 | |
2 | Jan O. Borchers, Max Mühlhäuser: Musical Design Patterns: An Example of a Human-Centered Model of Interactive Multimedia. ICMCS 1997: 63-70 | |
1996 | ||
1 | EE | Jan O. Borchers, Oliver Deussen, Arnold Klingert, Clemens Knörzer: Layout rules for graphical web documents. Computers & Graphics 20(3): 415-426 (1996) |