
Thorsten Karrer

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5EELeonhard Lichtschlag, Thorsten Karrer, Jan O. Borchers: Fly: a tool to author planar presentations. CHI 2009: 547-556
4EEThorsten Karrer, Malte Weiss, Eric Lee, Jan Borchers: DRAGON: a direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation. CHI 2008: 247-250
3EEGero Herkenrath, Thorsten Karrer, Jan Borchers: Twend: twisting and bending as new interaction gesture in mobile devices. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3819-3824
2EEEric Lee, Henning Kiel, Saskia Dedenbach, Ingo Grüll, Thorsten Karrer, Marius Wolf, Jan Borchers: iSymphony: an adaptive interactive orchestral conducting system for digital audio and video streams. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 259-262
1EEDavid Holman, Predrag Stojadinovic, Thorsten Karrer, Jan Borchers: Fly: an organic presentation tool. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 863-868

Coauthor Index

1Jan O. Borchers (Jan Borchers) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Saskia Dedenbach [2]
3Ingo Grüll [2]
4Gero Herkenrath [3]
5David Holman [1]
6Henning Kiel [2]
7Eric Lee [2] [4]
8Leonhard Lichtschlag [5]
9Predrag Stojadinovic [1]
10Malte Weiss [4]
11Marius Wolf [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)