
Peter Russo

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6EEGuobiao Mei, Peter Russo: Visualization of Collaborative Data. UAI 2006
5EERehmi Post, Maggie Orth, Peter Russo, Neil Gershenfeld: E-broidery: Design and fabrication of textile-based computing. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 840- (2000)
4EEOlufemi Omojola, Rehmi Post, Matthew D. Hancher, Yael Maguire, Ravikanth Pappu, Bernd Schöner, Peter Russo, Richard Fletcher, Neil Gershenfeld: An installation of interactive furniture. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 861- (2000)
3 Jane Cameron, Kong E. Cheng, Sean Gallagher, Fuchun Joseph Lin, Peter Russo, Daniel Søbirk: Next Generation Service Creation: Process, Methodology, and Tool Integration. FIW 1998: 299-304
2 Douglas Schuler, Peter Russo, John H. Boose, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Using Personal Construct Techniques for Collaborative Evaluation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(5): 521-536 (1990)
1EEJeffrey M. Bradshaw, Stanley P. Covington, Peter Russo, John H. Boose: Knowledge Acquisition Techniques for Intelligent Decision Systems: Integrating Axotl and Aquinas in DDUCKS. UAI 1989: 255-270

Coauthor Index

1John H. Boose [1] [2]
2Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [1] [2]
3Jane Cameron [3]
4Kong Eng Cheng (Kong E. Cheng) [3]
5Stanley P. Covington [1]
6Richard Fletcher [4]
7Sean Gallagher [3]
8Neil Gershenfeld [4] [5]
9Matthew D. Hancher [4]
10Fuchun Joseph Lin [3]
11Yael Maguire [4]
12Guobiao Mei [6]
13Olufemi Omojola [4]
14Maggie Orth [5]
15Ravikanth Pappu [4]
16Rehmi Post [4] [5]
17Bernd Schöner [4]
18Doug Schuler (Douglas Schuler) [2]
19Daniel Søbirk [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)