
Kevin Bolding

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9EEChris Fisher, Kevin Rennie, Guanbin Xing, Stefan G. Berg, Kevin Bolding, John H. Naegle, Daniel Parshall, Dmitriy Portnov, Adnan Sulejmanpasic, Carl Ebeling: An Emulator for Exploring RaPiD Configurable Computing Architectures. FPL 2001: 17-26
8EELillian (Boots) Cassel, Mark A. Holliday, Deepak Kumar, John Impagliazzo, Kevin Bolding, Murray Pearson, Jim Davies, Gregory S. Wolffe, William Yurcik: Distributed expertise for teaching computer organization & architecture. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(2): 111-126 (2001)
7EENeil R. McKenzie, Kevin Bolding, Carl Ebeling, Lawrence Snyder: ChaosLAN: Design and Implementation of a Gigabit LAN Using Chaotic Routing. PCRCW 1997: 247-260
6 Kevin Bolding, Melanie L. Fulgham, Lawrence Snyder: The Case for Chaotic Adaptive Routing. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(12): 1281-1291 (1997)
5 Kevin Bolding, Lawrence Snyder: Parallel Computer Routing and Communication, First International Workshop, PCRCW'94, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 16-18, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
4 Kevin Bolding, William Yost: Design of a Router for Fault-Tolerant Networks. PCRCW 1994: 226-240
3 Neil R. McKenzie, Kevin Bolding, Carl Ebeling, Lawrence Snyder: CRANIUM: An Interface for Message Passing on Adaptive Packet Routing Networks. PCRCW 1994: 266-280
2 Kevin Bolding, Sen-Ching Cheung, Sung-Eun Choi, Carl Ebeling, Soha Hassoun, Ton Anh Ngo, Robert Wille: The chaos router chip: design and implementation of an adaptive router. VLSI 1993: 311-320
1 Kevin Bolding, Smaragda Konstantinidou: On the Comparison of Hypercube and Torus Networks. ICPP (1) 1992: 62-66

Coauthor Index

1Stefan G. Berg [9]
2Lillian N. Cassel (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) [8]
3Sen-Ching Cheung [2]
4Sung-Eun Choi [2]
5Jim Davies [8]
6Carl Ebeling [2] [3] [7] [9]
7Chris Fisher [9]
8Melanie L. Fulgham [6]
9Soha Hassoun [2]
10Mark A. Holliday [8]
11John Impagliazzo [8]
12Smaragda Konstantinidou [1]
13Deepak Kumar [8]
14Neil R. McKenzie [3] [7]
15John H. Naegle [9]
16Ton Anh Ngo (Ton Ngo) [2]
17Daniel Parshall [9]
18Murray Pearson [8]
19Dmitriy Portnov [9]
20Kevin Rennie [9]
21Lawrence Snyder (Larry Snyder) [3] [5] [6] [7]
22Adnan Sulejmanpasic [9]
23Robert Wille [2]
24Gregory S. Wolffe [8]
25Guanbin Xing [9]
26William Yost [4]
27William Yurcik [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)