
Utpal Mukherji

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8EEVinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji, Vinay Joseph, Shrey Gupta: Optimal Energy Management Policies for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes CoRR abs/0809.3908: (2008)
7EEVinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji, Vinay Joseph: Efficient Energy Management Policies for Networks with Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes CoRR abs/0811.0273: (2008)
6EEK. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee, Utpal Mukherji: Stability of Scheduled Multi-access Communication over Quasi-static Flat Fading Channels with Random Coding and Joint Maximum Likelihood Decoding CoRR abs/cs/0601093: (2006)
5EEK. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee, Utpal Mukherji: Stability of Scheduled Message Communication over Degraded Broadcast Channels CoRR abs/cs/0601094: (2006)
4EEK. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee, Utpal Mukherji: Stability of Scheduled Multi-access Communication over Quasi-static Flat Fading Channels with Random Coding and Independent Decoding CoRR abs/cs/0506077: (2005)
3 R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Jit Biswas, Utpal Mukherji: Throughput performance of distributed applications in switched networks in presence of end-system bottlenecks. Telecommunication Systems 12(4): 369-387 (1999)
2 R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Anindya Datta, Utpal Mukherji: Performance of High Speed Dual Unidirectional Bus Networks with Input/Output Bidirectional Capacity Limitation. NETWORKS 1992: 81-92
1 Utpal Mukherji: A periodic scheduling problem in flow control for data communication networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(2): 436-443 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Jit Biswas [3]
2Anindya Datta [2]
3Shrey Gupta [8]
4Vinay Joseph [7] [8]
5R. Radhakrishna Pillai [2] [3]
6K. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee [4] [5] [6]
7Vinod Sharma [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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