
Nathaniel Dean

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11EENathaniel Dean, Mekkia Kouider: Gallai's conjecture for disconnected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 213(1-3): 43-54 (2000)
10 Jonathan W. Berry, Nathaniel Dean, Mark K. Goldberg, Gregory E. Shannon, Steven Skiena: LINK: a system for graph computation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(11): 1285-1302 (2000)
9 Jonathan W. Berry, Nathaniel Dean, Mark K. Goldberg, Gregory E. Shannon, Steven Skiena: Graph Drawing and Manipulation with LINK. Graph Drawing 1997: 425-437
8EETsan-sheng Hsu, Vijaya Ramachandran, Nathaniel Dean: Implementation of parallel graph algorithms on a massively parallel SIMD computer with virtual processing. IPPS 1995: 106-112
7EENathaniel Dean, Jennifer S. Zito: Well-covered graphs and extendability. Discrete Mathematics 126(1-3): 67-80 (1994)
6EENathaniel Dean, Linda M. Lesniak, Akira Saito: Cycles of length 0 modulo 4 in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 121(1-3): 37-49 (1993)
5EENathaniel Dean: The matching extendability of surfaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 54(1): 133-141 (1992)
4EEDaniel Bienstock, Nathaniel Dean: On obstructions to small face covers in planar graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 55(2): 163-189 (1992)
3 Nathaniel Dean, Katsuhiro Ota: 2-factors, connectivity, and graph minors. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 381-386
2 Nathaniel Dean: Open problems. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 677-
1EENathaniel Dean: Distribution of contractible edges in k-connected graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 48(1): 1-5 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan W. Berry [9] [10]
2Daniel Bienstock [4]
3Mark K. Goldberg [9] [10]
4Tsan-sheng Hsu [8]
5Mekkia Kouider [11]
6Linda M. Lesniak [6]
7Katsuhiro Ota [3]
8Vijaya Ramachandran [8]
9Akira Saito [6]
10Gregory E. Shannon [9] [10]
11Steven Skiena [9] [10]
12Jennifer S. Zito [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)