
Sunil Chopra

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19EESunil Chopra, Chih-Yang Tsai: A branch-and-cut approach for minimum cost multi-level network design. Discrete Mathematics 242(1-3): 65-92 (2002)
18EEDaniel Granot, Jeroen Kuipers, Sunil Chopra: Cost Allocation for a Tree Network with Heterogeneous Customers. Math. Oper. Res. 27(4): 647-661 (2002)
17EESunil Chopra, Jonathan H. Owen: A Note on Formulations for the A-partition Problem on Hypergraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 90(1-3): 115-133 (1999)
16EESunil Chopra, Itzhak Gilboa, S. Trilochan Sastry: Source Sink Flows with Capacity Installation in Batches. Discrete Applied Mathematics 85(3): 165-192 (1998)
15 Daniel Bienstock, Sunil Chopra, Oktay Günlük, Chih-Yang Tsai: Minimum cost capacity installation for multicommodity network flows. Math. Program. 81: 177-199 (1998)
14 Sunil Chopra, Itzhak Gilboa, S. Trilochan Sastry: Algorithms and Extended Formulations for One and Two Facility Network Design. IPCO 1996: 44-57
13 Sunil Chopra, Jonathan H. Owen: Extended formulations for the A-cut problem. Math. Program. 73: 7-30 (1996)
12EESunil Chopra, Giovanni Rinaldi: The Graphical Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Polyhedron: Symmetric Inequalities. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(4): 602-624 (1996)
11EESunil Chopra, M. R. Rao: Facets of the K-partition Polytope. Discrete Applied Mathematics 61(1): 27-48 (1995)
10EESunil Chopra: Compositions for Matroids with the Fulkerson Property. Discrete Applied Mathematics 62(1-3): 87-101 (1995)
9 Sunil Chopra, M. R. Rao: The Steiner tree problem I: Formulations, compositions and extension of facets. Math. Program. 64: 209-229 (1994)
8 Sunil Chopra, M. R. Rao: The Steiner tree problem II: Properties and classes of facets. Math. Program. 64: 231-246 (1994)
7EESunil Chopra: The Graph Partitioning Polytope on Series-Parallel and4-Wheel Free Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7(1): 16-31 (1994)
6EESunil Chopra: The k-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraph Polyhedron. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7(2): 245-259 (1994)
5 Sunil Chopra, M. R. Rao: The partition problem. Math. Program. 59: 87-115 (1993)
4 Sunil Chopra: The K-Edge Connected Spanning Subgraph Polyhedron. IPCO 1992: 15-29
3 Sunil Chopra: Polyhedra of the Equivalent Subgraph Problem and Some Edge Connectivity Problems. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(3): 321-337 (1992)
2 Sunil Chopra: The Equivalent Subgraph and Directed Cut Polyhedra on Series-Parallel Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(4): 475-490 (1992)
1 Sunil Chopra, Giovanni Rinaldi: The Graphical Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Polyhedron. IPCO 1990: 129-145

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bienstock [15]
2Itzhak Gilboa [14] [16]
3Daniel Granot [18]
4Oktay Günlük [15]
5Jeroen Kuipers [18]
6Jonathan H. Owen [13] [17]
7M. R. Rao [5] [8] [9] [11]
8Giovanni Rinaldi [1] [12]
9S. Trilochan Sastry [14] [16]
10Chih-Yang Tsai [15] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)