
Juhnyoung Lee

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38EEJuhnyoung Lee, Rama Akkiraju, Chunhua Tian, Shun Jiang, Sivaprashanth Danturthy, Ponn Sundhararajan: Business Transformation Workbench: A Practitioner's Tool for Business Transformation. BPM 2008: 378-381
37EEJuhnyoung Lee, Rama Akkiraju, Chunhua Tian, Shun Jiang, Sivaprashanth Danturthy, Ponn Sundhararajan, Carl Nordman, Rakesh Mohan, Hitansh Singala, Wei Ding: Business Transformation Workbench: A Practitioner's Tool for Business Transformation. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 81-88
36 Martin Hepp, Mehmet Sayal, Sang-goo Lee, Juhnyoung Lee, Junho Shim: Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and Services, Third International Workshop, DEECS 2007, In conjunction with ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC '07), San Diego, CA, USA, June 12, 2007, Proceedings ACM 2007
35EEMartin Hepp, Mehmet Sayal, Sang-goo Lee, Juhnyoung Lee, Junho Shim: Data engineering issues in e-commerce and services: DEECS 2007 workshop summary. DEECS 2007: 1-3
34EEJuhnyoung Lee: Services sciences, management, and engineering. DEECS 2007: 4
33EEChunhua Tian, Rongzeng Cao, Wei Ding, Hao Zhang, Juhnyoung Lee: Business Value Analysis of IT Services. IEEE SCC 2007: 308-315
32 Juhnyoung Lee: Advances in Business Transformation Technologies. Advances in Computers 70: 163-221 (2007)
31 Juhnyoung Lee, Junho Shim, Sang-goo Lee, Christoph Bussler, Simon S. Y. Shim: Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and Services, Second International Workshop, DEECS 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 26, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
30EEJuhnyoung Lee, Anca-Andreea Ivan: Value-Centric, Model-Driven Business Transformation. CEC/EEE 2006: 31
29EEYanggon Kim, Juhnyoung Lee: Web Service-based Business Process Automation Using Matching Algorithms. IFIP PPAI 2006: 131-140
28EEJuhnyoung Lee, Richard Goodwin: Ontology management for large-scale enterprise systems. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 5(1): 2-15 (2006)
27EEYue Pan, Guo Tong Xie, Li Ma, Yang Yang, Zhaoming Qiu, Juhnyoung Lee: Model-Driven Ontology Engineering. J. Data Semantics VII: 57-78 (2006)
26EEJuhnyoung Lee, Richard Goodwin: Ontology Management for Large-Scale E-Commerce Applications. DEEC 2005: 7-15
25EEJuhnyoung Lee, Yanggon Kim, Yoonho Kim, Bong-Hee Moon: Business Process Integration with Web Services. SNPD 2005: 192-197
24EEJuhnyoung Lee, Richard Goodwin: The semantic webscape: a view of the semantic web. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1154-1155
23EEJuhnyoung Lee: Model-driven business transformation and the semantic web. Commun. ACM 48(12): 75-77 (2005)
22EEDongkyu Kim, Sang-goo Lee, Jonghoon Chun, Juhnyoung Lee: A Semantic Classification Model for E-Catalogs. CEC 2004: 85-92
21EEDongkyu Kim, Yuan-Chi Chang, Juhnyoung Lee, Sang-goo Lee: Ontological Approaches to Enterprise Applications. ER 2004: 838-840
20EEJuhnyoung Lee, Ho Soo Lee, Priscilla Wang: An Interactive Visual Interface for Online Product Catalogs. Electronic Commerce Research 4(4): 335-358 (2004)
19EEJuhnyoung Lee: Matching Algorithms for Composing Business Process Solutions with Web Services. EC-Web 2003: 393-402
18EEJuhnyoung Lee, Sang-goo Lee, Suekyung Lee: A Framework of Winner Determination Algorithms for Internet Auctions. Human.Society@Internet 2003 2003: 415-424
17 Yiming Ye, Xun Yi, Juhnyoung Lee: Performance and attention in multiagent object search team. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 33(2): 257-264 (2003)
16EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam, Ho Soo Lee, Juhnyoung Lee: Winner Determination Algorithms for Electronic Auctions: A Framework Design. EC-Web 2002: 37-46
15EEJuhnyoung Lee: ABSolute: An Information Visualization System for Decision Support in Sourcing. Int. J. Image Graphics 2(1): 1-20 (2002)
14EEJuhnyoung Lee, Priscilla Wang, Ho Soo Lee: A Visual One-Page Catalog Interface for Analytical Product Selection. EC-Web 2001: 240-249
13 Juhnyoung Lee, Ho Soo Lee, Priscilla Wang: Design and Implementation of a Visual Online Product Catalog Interface. ICEIS (2) 2001: 1010-1017
12EEJen-Yao Chung, Juhnyoung Lee: Agent-Based Electronic Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges. ISADS 2001: 143
11 Juhnyoung Lee, Mark Podlaseck, Edith Schonberg, Robert Hoch: Visualization and Analysis of Clickstream Data of Online Stores for Understanding Web Merchandising. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 5(1/2): 59-84 (2001)
10EEJuhnyoung Lee, Mark Podlaseck: Using a starfield visualization for analyzing product performance of online stores. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 168-175
9EEJuhnyoung Lee, Mark Podlaseck: Visualization and Analysis of Clickstream Data of Online Stores with a Parallel Coordinate System. EC-Web 2000: 145-154
8EEJuhnyoung Lee, Mark Podlaseck, Edith Schonberg, Robert Hoch, Stephen H. Gomory: Understanding Merchandizing Effectiveness of Online Stores. Electronic Markets 10(1): (2000)
7EEJuhnyoung Lee, Mark Podlaseck, Edith Schonberg, Robert Hoch, Stephen H. Gomory: Analysis and Visualization of Metrics for Online Merchandising. WEBKDD 1999: 126-141
6EEPrabhudev Konana, Juhnyoung Lee, Sudha Ram: Updating Timestamp Interval for Dynamic Adjustment of Serialization Order in Optimistic Concurrency Control-Time Interval (OCCTI) Protocol. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(4): 189-193 (1997)
5 Juhnyoung Lee, Sang Hyuk Son: Performance of Concurrency Control Algorithms for Real-Time Database Systems. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 429-460
4EEJuhnyoung Lee, Sang Hyuk Son: An Optimistic Concurrency Control Protocol for Real-Time Database Systems. DASFAA 1993: 387-394
3 Juhnyoung Lee, Sang Hyuk Son: Using Dynamic Adjustment of Serialization Order for Real-Time Database Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1993: 66-75
2 Sang Hyuk Son, Juhnyoung Lee, Savita Shamsunder: Real-Time Transaction Processing: Pessimistic, Optimistic, and Hybrid Approaches. RIDE-TQP 1992: 222
1 Sang Hyuk Son, Juhnyoung Lee, Yi Lin: Hybrid Protocols Using Dynamic Adjustment of serialization Order for Real-Time Concurrency Control. Real-Time Systems 4(3): 269-276 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Rama Akkiraju [37] [38]
2Martin Bichler [16]
3Christoph Bussler [31]
4Rongzeng Cao [33]
5Yuan-Chi Chang [21]
6Jonghoon Chun [22]
7Jen-Yao Chung [12]
8Sivaprashanth Danturthy [37] [38]
9Wei Ding [33] [37]
10Stephen H. Gomory [7] [8]
11Richard Goodwin [24] [26] [28]
12Martin Hepp [35] [36]
13Robert Hoch [7] [8] [11]
14Anca-Andreea Ivan [30]
15Shun Jiang [37] [38]
16Jayant Kalagnanam [16]
17Dongkyu Kim [21] [22]
18Yanggon Kim [25] [29]
19Yoonho Kim [25]
20Prabhudev Konana [6]
21Ho Soo Lee [13] [14] [16] [20]
22Sang-goo Lee [18] [21] [22] [31] [35] [36]
23Suekyung Lee [18]
24Yi Lin [1]
25Li Ma [27]
26Rakesh Mohan [37]
27Bong-Hee Moon [25]
28Carl Nordman [37]
29Yue Pan [27]
30Mark Podlaseck [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
31Zhaoming Qiu [27]
32Sudha Ram [6]
33Mehmet Sayal [35] [36]
34Edith Schonberg [7] [8] [11]
35Savita Shamsunder [2]
36Junho Shim [31] [35] [36]
37Simon S. Y. Shim [31]
38Hitansh Singala [37]
39Sang Hyuk Son [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
40Ponn Sundhararajan [37] [38]
41Chunhua Tian [33] [37] [38]
42Priscilla Wang [13] [14] [20]
43Guo Tong Xie [27]
44Yang Yang [27]
45Yiming Ye [17]
46Xun Yi [17]
47Hao Zhang [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)