
Alessio Bechini

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17EEAlessio Bechini, Andrea Tomasi, Jacopo Viotto: Enabling ontology-based document classification and management in ebXML registries. SAC 2008: 1145-1150
16EEAlessio Bechini, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Special track on Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques: editorial message. SAC 2008: 1476
15EEAlessio Bechini, Mario G. C. A. Cimino, Francesco Marcelloni, Andrea Tomasi: Patterns and technologies for enabling supply chain traceability through collaborative e-business. Information & Software Technology 50(4): 342-359 (2008)
14EEAlessio Bechini, François Bodin, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Editorial message for the special track on embedded systems: applications, solutions, and techniques. SAC 2006: 889-890
13EEAlessio Bechini, François Bodin, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Editorial message for the special track on embedded systems: applications, solutions, and techniques. SAC 2005: 836-837
12EEAlessio Bechini, Mario G. C. A. Cimino, Beatrice Lazzerini, Francesco Marcelloni, Andrea Tomasi: A General Framework for Food Traceability. SAINT Workshops 2005: 366-369
11 Alessio Bechini, Andrea Tomasi, Gianni Ceccarelli: The Ecumene Experience to Data Integration in Cultural Heritage Web Information Systems. CAiSE Workshops (1) 2004: 49-59
10EEAlessio Bechini, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Editorial message for the special track on embedded systems: applications, solutions, and techniques. SAC 2004: 819-820
9EEAlessio Bechini, Thomas M. Conte, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Guest Editors' Introduction: Opportunities and Challenges in Embedded Systems. IEEE Micro 24(4): 8-9 (2004)
8 Alessio Bechini, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Embedded Systems Track Editorial. SAC 2003: 659-660
7EEAlessio Bechini, Pierfrancesco Foglia, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Fine-grain design space exploration for a cartographic SoC multiprocessor. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 31(1): 85-92 (2003)
6EEAlessio Bechini, Pierfrancesco Foglia, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Use of a CORBA/RMI gateway: characterization of communication overhead. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 150-156
5EEAlessio Bechini, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Performance-steered design of software architectures for embedded multicore systems. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(12): 1155-1173 (2002)
4EEAlessio Bechini, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Behavior investigation of concurrent Java programs: an approach based on source-code instrumentation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(2): 307-316 (2001)
3EEAlessio Bechini, Raffaele Lapadula, Cosimo Antonio Prete: Dealing with Non-Determinism in Communications within Java Applications. EUROMICRO 1999: 2350-
2EEAlessio Bechini, Kuo-Chung Tai: Timestamps for Programs Using Messages and Shared Variables. ICDCS 1998: 266-273
1EEAlessio Bechini, Kuo-Chung Tai: Design of a Toolset for Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Java Program. IWPC 1998: 190-

Coauthor Index

1François Bodin [13] [14]
2Gianni Ceccarelli [11]
3Mario G. C. A. Cimino [12] [15]
4Thomas M. Conte [9]
5Pierfrancesco Foglia [6] [7]
6Raffaele Lapadula [3]
7Beatrice Lazzerini [12]
8Francesco Marcelloni [12] [15]
9Cosimo Antonio Prete [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [16]
10Kuo-Chung Tai [1] [2]
11Andrea Tomasi [11] [12] [15] [17]
12Jacopo Viotto [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)