3. RIAO 1991:
Jacques J. Arsac (Ed.):
Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (Recherche d'Information et ses Applications) - RIAO 1991, 3rd International Conference, Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, April 2 - May 5, 1991. Proceedings.
CID 1991 BibTeX
Session 1:
Hypermedia 1
Session 2:
Hypermedia 2
Session 3:
Document Input
Session 4:
Structured Text and Software Architecture
Session 5:
Session 6:
Natural Language
Session 7:
Session 8:
Information Retrieval System (1)
Session 9:
Information Retrieval System (2)
- Norbert Fuhr, Stephan Hartmann, Gerhard Lustig, Michael Schwantner, Kostas Tzeras, Gerhard Knorz:
AIR/X - A rule-based multistage indexing system for Iarge subject fields.
606-624 BibTeX
- David A. Evans, Kimberley Ginther-Webster, Mary Hart, Robert G. Lefferts, Ira Monarch:
Automatic indexing using selective NLP and first-order thesauri.
624-644 BibTeX
- Howard R. Turtle, W. Bruce Croft:
Efficient probabilistic Inference for text retrieval.
644-662 BibTeX
- Jacques Savoy, Daniel Desbois:
Bayesien Inference networks in hypertext.
662-684 BibTeX
Session 10:
Knowledge Extraction from Text (1)
Session 11:
Knowledge Extraction from Text (2)
Session 12:
Information Retrieval and DBMS
Session 13:
Image Handling
Session 14:
Speech Technology Data Compression
- Victor W. Zue, James R. Glass, Dave Coddeau, David Goodine, Lynette Hirschman, Hong C. Leung, Michael S. Phillips, Joseph Polifroni, Stephanie Seneff:
Spoken language systems for human/machine interfaces.
936-956 BibTeX
- James Monaghan, Christine Cheepen:
A system for reducing Imprecision in speech Interfaces to generalized text input devices.
956-967 BibTeX
- Abraham Bookstein, Shmuel Tomi Klein, Donald A. Ziff:
The ARTFL data compression project.
967-986 BibTeX
- Wojciech Skaba:
Towards the ultimate text compression method for help systems.
986-999 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:35:52 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)