
Gregory Baratoff

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15EEHolger Regenbrecht, Gregory Baratoff, Wilhelm Wilke: Augmented Reality Projects in the Automotive and Aerospace Industries. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(6): 48-56 (2005)
14EEGregory Baratoff, Alexander Neubeck, Holger Regenbrecht: Interactive Multi-Marker Calibration for Augmented Reality Applications. ISMAR 2002: 107-116
13EEPierre A. J. Bayerl, Gregory Baratoff: An Interactive Vision-Based Tool for Model-Based Scene Calibration of Augmented Reality Environments. WSCG 2002: 55-62
12EEHolger Regenbrecht, Michael Wagner, Gregory Baratoff: MagicMeeting: A Collaborative Tangible Augmented Reality System. Virtual Reality 6(3): 151-166 (2002)
11EEHolger Regenbrecht, Gregory Baratoff, Michael Wagner: A tangible AR desktop environment. Computers & Graphics 25(5): 755-763 (2001)
10EEGregory Baratoff, Ralph Schönfelder, Ingo Ahrns, Heiko Neumann: Orientation Contrast Detection in Space-Variant Images. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 554-563
9EEMarina Kolesnik, Gregory Baratoff: Online Distance Recovery for a Sewer Inspection Robot. ICPR 2000: 1504-1507
8 Marina Kolesnik, Gregory Baratoff: Interpretation of Sewer Circular Structures. ICRA 2000: 1453-1458
7EEThorsten Hansen, Gregory Baratoff, Heiko Neumann: A simple cell model with dominating opponent inhibition for robust contrast detection. Kognitionswissenschaft 9(2): 93-100 (2000)
6 Thorsten Hansen, Gregory Baratoff, Heiko Neumann: Dominating Opponent Inhibition of On and Off Pathways for Robust Contrast Detection. DAGM-Symposium 1999: 232-239
5 Gregory Baratoff, Ingo Ahrns, Christian Toepfer, Heiko Neumann: Ortsvariantes aktives Sehen: Von biologisches Motivation zu technisches Realisation. KI 13(1): 33-35 (1999)
4 Christian Toepfer, Gregory Baratoff, Moritz Wende, Heiko Neumann: Ortsvariante Karte als effektives Datenformat zur Integration visueller Navigationsaufgaben. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 193-200
3 Gregory Baratoff: Systematic Curvature Distortions in Stereo. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 402-409
2EEGregory Baratoff, Yiannis Aloimonos: Changes in Surface Convexity and Topology Caused by Distortions of Stereoscopic Visual Space. ECCV (2) 1998: 226-240
1 Gregory Baratoff: Distortions of Stereoscopic Visual Space and Quadratic Cremona Transformations. CAIP 1997: 239-246

Coauthor Index

1Ingo Ahrns [5] [10]
2Yiannis Aloimonos [2]
3Pierre A. J. Bayerl [13]
4Thorsten Hansen [6] [7]
5Marina Kolesnik [8] [9]
6Alexander Neubeck [14]
7Heiko Neumann [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
8Holger Regenbrecht [11] [12] [14] [15]
9Ralph Schönfelder [10]
10Christian Toepfer [4] [5]
11Michael Wagner [11] [12]
12Moritz Wende [4]
13Wilhelm Wilke [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)