
Marina Kolesnik

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17EEDaniel Oberhoff, Marina Kolesnik: Unsupervised Bayesian Network Learning for Object Recognition in Image Sequences. ICANN (1) 2008: 235-244
16EEDaniel Oberhoff, Marina Kolesnik: Neural Object Recognition by Hierarchical Appearance Learning. IJPRAI 22(5): 883-897 (2008)
15EEDaniel Oberhoff, Marina Kolesnik: Neural Object Recognition by Hierarchical Learning and Extraction of Essential Shapes. BVAI 2007: 288-297
14EEHarald Frenz, Markus Lappe, Marina Kolesnik, Thomas Bührmann: Estimation of travel distance from visual motion in virtual environments. TAP 4(1): (2007)
13EEDaniel Oberhoff, Andy Stynen, Marina Kolesnik: Neural Network Architecture for Modeling the Joint Visual Perception of Orientation, Motion, and Depth. PIT 2006: 32-39
12EEMarina Kolesnik, Ales Fexa: Multi-dimensional Color Histograms for Segmentation of Wounds in Images. ICIAR 2005: 1014-1022
11EEMarina Kolesnik, Alexander Barlit: Iterative Orientation Tuning in V1: A Simple Cell Circuit with Cross-Orientation Suppression. SCIA 2003: 232-238
10EEWeidong Geng, Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann, Vladimir Elistratov, Marina Kolesnik: Perceptual User Interface in Virtual Shopping Environment. Int. J. Image Graphics 3(2): 365-378 (2003)
9EEMarina Kolesnik, Alexander Barlit, Evgeny Zubkov: Iterative Tuning of Simple Cells for Contrast Invariant Edge Enhancement. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 27-37
8EEMarina Kolesnik: Visual Orientation in the Sewer Adaptation to the Environment. ICPR (2) 2002: 856-
7EEMarina Kolesnik, Thomas Kulessa: Detecting, Tracking, and Interpretation of a Pointing Gesture by an Overhead View Camera. DAGM-Symposium 2001: 429-436
6EEMarina Kolesnik, Gregory Baratoff: Online Distance Recovery for a Sewer Inspection Robot. ICPR 2000: 1504-1507
5 Marina Kolesnik, Gregory Baratoff: Interpretation of Sewer Circular Structures. ICRA 2000: 1453-1458
4EEMarina Kolesnik: On Vision-Based Orientation Method of a Robot Head in a Dark Cylindrical Pipe. SOFSEM 2000: 365-374
3EEMarina Kolesnik: Calibration Update Technique for a Zoom Lens. CAIP 1999: 435-443
2 Marina Kolesnik, Gerhard Paar: Algorithmic Solution and Simulation Results for Vision-Based Autonomous Mode of a Planetary Rover. CAIP 1997: 677-685
1 Marina Kolesnik: Fast Algorithm for the Stereo Pair Matching with Parallel Computation. CAIP 1993: 533-537

Coauthor Index

1Gregory Baratoff [5] [6]
2Alexander Barlit [9] [11]
3Thomas Bührmann [14]
4Vladimir Elistratov [10]
5Ales Fexa [12]
6Monika Fleischmann [10]
7Harald Frenz [14]
8Weidong Geng [10]
9Thomas Kulessa [7]
10Markus Lappe [14]
11Daniel Oberhoff [13] [15] [16] [17]
12Gerhard Paar [2]
13Wolfgang Strauss [10]
14Andy Stynen [13]
15Evgeny Zubkov [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)