
Sebastian Böcker

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26EESebastian Böcker, Sebastian Briesemeister, Quang Bao Anh Bui, Anke Truß: A Fixed-Parameter Approach for Weighted Cluster Editing. APBC 2008: 211-220
25EESebastian Böcker, Sebastian Briesemeister, Quang Bao Anh Bui, Anke Truß: Going Weighted: Parameterized Algorithms for Cluster Editing. COCOA 2008: 1-12
24EESebastian Böcker, Florian Rasche: Towards de novo identification of metabolites by analyzing tandem mass spectra. ECCB 2008: 49-55
23EESebastian Böcker, Quang Bao Anh Bui, Anke Truß: An Improved Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Minimum-Flip Consensus Trees. IWPEC 2008: 43-54
22EESebastian Böcker, Katharina Jahn, Julia Mixtacki, Jens Stoye: Computation of Median Gene Clusters. RECOMB 2008: 331-345
21EESebastian Böcker, Sebastian Briesemeister, Gunnar W. Klau: Exact Algorithms for Cluster Editing: Evaluation and Experiments. WEA 2008: 289-302
20EEThasso Griebel, Malte Brinkmeyer, Sebastian Böcker: EPoS: a modular software framework for phylogenetic analysis. Bioinformatics 24(20): 2399-2400 (2008)
19EESebastian Böcker, Zsuzsanna Lipták, Marcel Martin, Anton Pervukhin, Henner Sudek: DECOMP - from interpreting Mass Spectrometry peaks to solving the Money Changing Problem. Bioinformatics 24(4): 591-593 (2008)
18EESebastian Böcker, Veli Mäkinen: Combinatorial Approaches for Mass Spectra Recalibration. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(1): 91-100 (2008)
17EEAlexandra Scherbart, Wiebke Timm, Sebastian Böcker, Tim W. Nattkemper: Neural Network Approach for Mass Spectrometry Prediction by Peptide Prototyping. ICANN (2) 2007: 90-99
16EESebastian Böcker, Zsuzsanna Lipták: A Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Money Changing Problem. Algorithmica 48(4): 413-432 (2007)
15EESebastian Böcker: Simulating multiplexed SNP discovery rates using base-specific cleavage and mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics 23(2): 5-12 (2007)
14EESebastian Böcker, Hans-Michael Kaltenbach: Mass spectra alignments and their significance. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(4): 714-728 (2007)
13EEHans-Michael Kaltenbach, Sebastian Böcker, Sven Rahmann: Markov Additive Chains and Applications to Fragment Statistics for Peptide Mass Fingerprinting. Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics 2006: 29-41
12EESebastian Böcker, Matthias C. Letzel, Zsuzsanna Lipták, Anton Pervukhin: Decomposing Metabolomic Isotope Patterns. WABI 2006: 12-23
11EESebastian Böcker: Sequencing from Compomers: The Puzzle. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(3): 455-471 (2006)
10EESebastian Böcker, Zsuzsanna Lipták: The Money Changing Problem Revisited: Computing the Frobenius Number in Time O(k a1). COCOON 2005: 965-974
9EESebastian Böcker, Hans-Michael Kaltenbach: Mass Spectra Alignments and Their Significance. CPM 2005: 429-441
8EESebastian Böcker, Veli Mäkinen: Combinatorial Approaches for Mass Spectra Recalibration. Computational Proteomics 2005
7EESebastian Böcker, Zsuzsanna Lipták: Efficient mass decomposition. SAC 2005: 151-157
6 Sebastian Böcker: Weighted Sequencing from Compomers: DNA de-novo sequencing from mass spectrometry data in the presence of false negative constraints. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004: 13-24
5EESebastian Böcker: Sequencing from Compomers: Using Mass Spectrometry for DNA de novo Sequencing of 200+ nt. Journal of Computational Biology 11(6): 1110-1134 (2004)
4EESebastian Böcker: SNP and mutation discovery using base-specific cleavage and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2003: 44-53
3EESebastian Böcker: Sequencing from Compomers: Using Mass Spectrometry for DNA De-Novo Sequencing of 200+ nt. WABI 2003: 476-497
2EESebastian Böcker: Exponentially many supertrees. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(7): 861-865 (2002)
1 Sebastian Böcker, David Bryant, Andreas W. M. Dress, Mike A. Steel: Algorithmic Aspects of Tree Amalgamation. J. Algorithms 37(2): 522-537 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Sebastian Briesemeister [21] [25] [26]
2Malte Brinkmeyer [20]
3David Bryant [1]
4Quang Bao Anh Bui [23] [25] [26]
5Andreas W. M. Dress [1]
6Thasso Griebel [20]
7Katharina Jahn [22]
8Hans-Michael Kaltenbach [9] [13] [14]
9Gunnar W. Klau [21]
10Matthias C. Letzel [12]
11Zsuzsanna Lipták [7] [10] [12] [16] [19]
12Veli Mäkinen [8] [18]
13Marcel Martin [19]
14Julia Mixtacki [22]
15Tim W. Nattkemper [17]
16Anton Pervukhin [12] [19]
17Sven Rahmann [13]
18Florian Rasche [24]
19Alexandra Scherbart [17]
20Mike A. Steel (Michael Anthony Steel) [1]
21Jens Stoye [22]
22Henner Sudek [19]
23Wiebke Timm [17]
24Anke Truß [23] [25] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)