
Shigeaki Aoki

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5EEIwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, Tatsuya Hirahara: Sound Localization Using an Acoustical Telepresence Robot: TeleHead II. Presence 17(4): 392-404 (2008)
4EEIwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki: Quantitative evaluation of delay time of head movement for an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHead. ICRA 2007: 4301-4306
3EEIwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki: The effect of head movement on sound localization in an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHead. IROS 2006: 872-877
2 Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki: Effect of driving delay with an acoustical tele-presence robot, TeleHead. ICRA 2005: 56-61
1 Shigeaki Aoki, Michael Cohen, Nobuo Koizumi: Design and Control of Shared Conferencing Environments for Audio Telecommunication Using Individually Measured HRTFs. Presence 3(1): 60-72 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Cohen [1]
2Tatsuya Hirahara [5]
3Nobuo Koizumi [1]
4Iwaki Toshima [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)