
Theodore Antonakopoulos

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23EENikolaos Papandreou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: A low-complexity bandwidth allocation algorithm for frequency-selective multiuser OFDM systems. Computer Communications 31(17): 4192-4198 (2008)
22EEAggeliki Pantazi, Abu Sebastian, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Peter Bächtold, Anthony R. Bonaccio, Jose Bonan, Giovanni Cherubini, Michel Despont, Richard A. DiPietro, Ute Drechsler, Urs Dürig, Bernd Gotsmann, Walter Häberle, Christoph Hagleitner, James L. Hedrick, Daniel Jubin, Armin Knoll, Mark A. Lantz, John Pentarakis, Haralampos Pozidis, Russell C. Pratt, Hugo E. Rothuizen, Richard Stutz, Maria Varsamou, Dorothea Wiesmann, Evangelos Eleftheriou: Probe-based ultrahigh-density storage technology. IBM Journal of Research and Development 52(4-5): 493-512 (2008)
21EENikolaos Papandreou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: A new computationally efficient discrete bit-loading algorithm for DMT applications. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(5): 785-789 (2005)
20EENikolaos Papandreou, Maria Varsamou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Transmission Systems Prototyping Based on Stateflow/Simulink Models. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2004: 174-179
19EEMaria Varsamou, Nikolaos Papandreou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: From Protocol Models to Their Implementation: A Versatile Testing Methodology. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(5): 416-428 (2004)
18EENikolaos Papandreou, Maria Varsamou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: xDSL Systems Prototyping using a Flexible Emulation Environment. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 194-200
17EENikolaos Papandreou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Cooperative bit-loading and fairness bandwidth allocation in ADSL systems. ISCAS (2) 2003: 352-355
16EEDespina Anastasiadou, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Analytical computation of multipath components in the indoor power grid. ISCAS (3) 2003: 415-418
15EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: A dynamically adaptable polling scheme for voice support in IEEE802.11 networks. Computer Communications 26(2): 129-142 (2003)
14EETheodore Antonakopoulos, Alex Maniatopoulos, Aggeliki Pantazi, Vassilios Makios: VIRUS: a pseudo-framing method for cell-based interfaces. Computer Communications 26(2): 165-176 (2003)
13EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: The IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function in Small-Scale Ad-Hoc Wireless LANs. IJWIN 10(1): 1-15 (2003)
12EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: CSMA/CA performance under high traffic conditions: throughput and delay analysis. Computer Communications 25(3): 313-321 (2002)
11EEMarios Iliopoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Run-Time Optimized Reconfiguration Using Instruction Forecasting. FPL 2001: 286-295
10EEAthanasios Papadopoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Vassilios Makios: A New Cut-Through Forwarding Mechanism for ATM Multipoint-to-Point Connections. ICN (2) 2001: 497-506
9EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: CBR Packetized Voice Transmission in IEEE802.11 Networks. ISCC 2001: 392-398
8EEAggeliki Pantazi, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Performance Analysis of 100 Mbps PACE Technology Ethernet Networks. ISCC 2001: 628-634
7EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Voice Communications over IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs Interconnected Using ATM Links. LCN 2001: 620-629
6EEEustathia Ziouva, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Voice Communications over IEEE802.11 Wireless LANs Interconnected Using ATM Links. LCN 2001: 620-629
5EEMarios Iliopoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos: Reconfigurable Network Processors Based on Field Programmable System Level Integrated Circuits. FPL 2000: 39-47
4EEMarios Iliopoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos: A Methodology for Implementing Medium Access Protocols Using a General Parameterized Architecture. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2000: 2-7
3EED. Papadimatos, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Vassilios Makios: Real-Time Disparity Information Compression in 3D Teleconferencing Systems. EUROMICRO 1998: 20528-20535
2EEAlex Maniatopoulos, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Vassilios Makios: Design and Implementation of a new Synchronization Method for High-Speed Cell-based Network Interfaces. ICCD 1996: 158-164
1 V. Pallios, Theodore Antonakopoulos, Vassilios Makios: Architecture and Implementation of the Access Mechanism for a Bus-Structured Multiservice LAN. ICDCS 1988: 132-137

Coauthor Index

1Despina Anastasiadou [16]
2Peter Bächtold [22]
3Anthony R. Bonaccio [22]
4Jose Bonan [22]
5Giovanni Cherubini [22]
6Michel Despont [22]
7Richard A. DiPietro [22]
8Ute Drechsler [22]
9Urs Dürig [22]
10Evangelos Eleftheriou [22]
11Bernd Gotsmann [22]
12Walter Häberle [22]
13Christoph Hagleitner [22]
14James L. Hedrick [22]
15Marios Iliopoulos [4] [5] [11]
16Daniel Jubin [22]
17Armin Knoll [22]
18Mark A. Lantz [22]
19Vassilios Makios [1] [2] [3] [10] [14]
20Alex Maniatopoulos [2] [14]
21V. Pallios [1]
22Aggeliki Pantazi [8] [14] [22]
23D. Papadimatos [3]
24Athanasios Papadopoulos [10]
25Nikolaos Papandreou [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23]
26John Pentarakis [22]
27Haralampos Pozidis [22]
28Russell C. Pratt [22]
29Hugo E. Rothuizen [22]
30Abu Sebastian [22]
31Richard Stutz [22]
32Maria Varsamou [18] [19] [20] [22]
33Dorothea Wiesmann [22]
34Eustathia Ziouva [6] [7] [9] [12] [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)