
Shingo Amano

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2EEKenzo Nonami, Ryohei Yuasa, D. Waterman, Shingo Amano, H. Ono: Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study of a 6-Degree of Freedom Robot for Excavation of Unexploded Landmine. Auton. Robots 18(3): 293-302 (2005)
1EETytus Wojtara, Kenzo Nonami, Hui Shao, Ryohei Yuasa, Shingo Amano, Yasukazu Nobumoto: Master-slave hand systemof different structures, grasp recognition by neural network and grasp mapping. Robotica 22(4): 449-454 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Yasukazu Nobumoto [1]
2Kenzo Nonami [1] [2]
3H. Ono [2]
4Hui Shao [1]
5D. Waterman [2]
6Tytus Wojtara [1]
7Ryohei Yuasa [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)