
Mike Rezny

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4 Lawrence Lau, Mike Rezny, John Belward, Kevin Burrage, Bert Pohl: ADVISE - Agricultural Developmental Visualisation Interactive Software Environment. CONPAR 1994: 184-195
3 Irfan Altas, Mike Rezny, John Louis, Kevin Burrage, R. Moore, John Belward: A New Image Enhancement Algorithm on MasPar and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Environments. EUROSIM 1994: 819-826
2 Kevin Burrage, John Belward, Frank Duncalfe, Lawrence Lau, Mike Rezny, Robert Young: Drought Monitoring through Parallel Computing. PPSC 1993: 117-125
1 Mike Rezny, Eddie Trimarchi: A Block Cipher Method using Combinations of Different Methods under the Control of the User Key. AUSCRYPT 1992: 531-534

Coauthor Index

1Irfan Altas [3]
2John Belward [2] [3] [4]
3Kevin Burrage [2] [3] [4]
4Frank Duncalfe [2]
5Lawrence Lau [2] [4]
6John Louis [3]
7R. Moore [3]
8Bert Pohl [4]
9Eddie Trimarchi [1]
10Robert Young [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)