
R. Moore

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3EER. Harper, D. Randall, N. Smyth, C. Evans, L. Heledd, R. Moore: The past is a different place: they do things differently there. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 271-280
2 Irfan Altas, Mike Rezny, John Louis, Kevin Burrage, R. Moore, John Belward: A New Image Enhancement Algorithm on MasPar and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Environments. EUROSIM 1994: 819-826
1 John S. Fitzgerald, R. Moore: Experiences in Developing a Proof Theory for VDM Specifications. Semantics of Specification Languages 1993: 101-117

Coauthor Index

1Irfan Altas [2]
2John Belward [2]
3Kevin Burrage [2]
4C. Evans [3]
5John S. Fitzgerald [1]
6R. Harper [3]
7L. Heledd [3]
8John Louis [2]
9D. Randall [3]
10Mike Rezny [2]
11N. Smyth [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)