
Geoff Fellows

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4EETanja Lang, Geoff Fellows, John Louis: The Impact of Packet Type on Signal Strength in WLANs. AINA 2008: 264-270
3EEGeoff Fellows: NTFS volume mounts, directory junctions and $Reparse. Digital Investigation 4(3-4): 116-118 (2007)
2EEGeoff Fellows: Peer-to-peer networking issues - an overview. Digital Investigation 1(1): 3-6 (2004)
1EEMatthew Anderson, Irfan Altas, Geoff Fellows: Web Personalisation with the Cover Coefficient Algorithm. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 422-431

Coauthor Index

1Irfan Altas [1]
2Matthew Anderson [1]
3Tanja Lang [4]
4John Louis [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)