
Santiago Alonso-Quesada

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9EEManuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada: A Control Theory point of view on Beverton-Holt equation in population dynamics and some of its generalizations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(2): 464-481 (2008)
8EEManuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada, A. Bilbao-Guillerna: Study of the Beverton-Holt Equation from a Control Theory Point of View. FBIT 2007: 657-664
7EEA. Bilbao-Guillerna, Manuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada: Multimodel Discrete Control with Online Updating of the Fractional Order Hold Gains. Cybernetics and Systems 38(3): 249-274 (2007)
6EESantiago Alonso-Quesada, Manuel de la Sen: Adaptive Control for Stabilizing Nonnecessarily Inversely Stable Plants by Using Multiple Estimation Models with Multirate Input and Fractional-Order Holds. ICARCV 2006: 1-7
5 A. Bilbao-Guillerna, Manuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada: On-line supervised adjustment of the correcting gains of fractional order holds. ICINCO 2005: 266-272
4EEAsier Ibeas, Manuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada: Intelligent Control of Discrete Linear Systems Based on a Supervised Adaptive Multiestimation Scheme. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 40(4): 359-411 (2004)
3EESantiago Alonso-Quesada, Manuel de la Sen: Robust adaptive stabilizer of a class of time-varying plants using multiple controllers. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 63(1): 15-34 (2003)
2EEAsier Ibeas, Manuel de la Sen, Santiago Alonso-Quesada: A supervised multiestimation scheme for discrete adaptive control. ICARCV 2002: 659-664
1EESantiago Alonso-Quesada, Manuel de la Sen: Robust Adaptive Tracking with Pole Placement of First-Oreder Potentially Inversely Unstable Continuous-Time Systems. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 9(3): (1998)

Coauthor Index

1A. Bilbao-Guillerna [5] [7] [8]
2Asier Ibeas [2] [4]
3Manuel de la Sen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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