
Pramod V. Koppol

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7EEDimitrios Stiliadis, Andrea Francini, Sanjay Kamat, Mansoor Alicherry, Adiseshu Hari, Pramod V. Koppol, Ashok K. Gupta, Dor Skuler: Evros: A service-delivery platform for extending security coverage and IT reach. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(3): 101-119 (2007)
6EENaeem Asghar, Randeep Bhatia, Rakesh Chandwani, Colin Corcoran, Fang Hao, Joseph Karwisch, Pramod V. Koppol, T. V. Lakshman, Michael P. Siesta, Stephen M. Zlatos: iOptimize: A software capability for analyzing and optimizing connection-oriented data networks in real time. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(4): 67-81 (2005)
5EEEnrique J. Hernandez-Valencia, Pramod V. Koppol, Wing Cheong Lau: Managed virtual private LAN services. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 61-76 (2003)
4EEFang Hao, Pramod V. Koppol: An Internet scale simulation setup for BGP. Computer Communication Review 33(3): 43-57 (2003)
3EEPramod V. Koppol, Richard H. Carver, Kuo-Chung Tai: Incremental Integration Testing of Concurrent Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(6): 607-623 (2002)
2EEPramod V. Koppol, Kuo-Chung Tai: An Incremental Approach to Structural Testing of Concurrent Software. ISSTA 1996: 14-23
1 Kuo-Chung Tai, Pramod V. Koppol: An Incremental Approach to Reachability Analysis of Distributed Programs. IWSSD 1993: 141-151

Coauthor Index

1Mansoor Alicherry [7]
2Naeem Asghar [6]
3Randeep Bhatia [6]
4Richard H. Carver [3]
5Rakesh Chandwani [6]
6Colin Corcoran [6]
7Andrea Francini [7]
8Ashok K. Gupta [7]
9Fang Hao [4] [6]
10Adiseshu Hari [7]
11Enrique J. Hernandez-Valencia [5]
12Sanjay Kamat [7]
13Joseph Karwisch [6]
14T. V. Lakshman [6]
15Wing Cheong Lau [5]
16Michael P. Siesta [6]
17Dor Skuler [7]
18Dimitrios Stiliadis [7]
19Kuo-Chung Tai [1] [2] [3]
20Stephen M. Zlatos [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)