
Sanjay Kamat

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19EEDimitrios Stiliadis, Andrea Francini, Sanjay Kamat, Mansoor Alicherry, Adiseshu Hari, Pramod V. Koppol, Ashok K. Gupta, Dor Skuler: Evros: A service-delivery platform for extending security coverage and IT reach. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(3): 101-119 (2007)
18 George Apostolopoulos, Roch Guérin, Sanjay Kamat: Implementation and Performance Measurements of QoS Routing Extensions to OSPF. INFOCOM 1999: 680-688
17EEErol Basturk, Alexander Birman, G. Delp, Roch Guérin, R. Haas, Sanjay Kamat, Dilip D. Kandlur, P. Pan, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis, Vinod G. J. Peris, Raju Rajan, Debanjan Saha, D. Williams: Design and Implementation of a QoS Capable Switch-Router. Computer Networks 31(1-2): 19-32 (1999)
16 Amitava Raha, Sanjay Kamat, Xiaohua Jia, Wei Zhao: Using Traffic Regulation to Meet End-to-End Deadlines in ATM Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(9): 917-935 (1999)
15EEGeorge Apostolopoulos, Roch Guérin, Sanjay Kamat, Satish K. Tripathi: Quality of Service Based Routing: A Performance Perspective. SIGCOMM 1998: 17-28
14EERoch Guérin, Sanjay Kamat, Vinod G. J. Peris, Raju Rajan: Scalable QoS Provision Through Buffer Management. SIGCOMM 1998: 29-40
13EEErol Basturk, Alexander Birman, G. Delp, Roch Guérin, R. Haas, Sanjay Kamat, Dilip D. Kandlur, P. Pan, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis, Vinod G. J. Peris, Raju Rajan, Debanjan Saha, D. Williams: Design and implementation of a QoS capable switch-router. ICCCN 1997: 276-284
12 Biao Chen, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Fault-Tolerant, Real-Time Communication in FDDI-Based Networks. IEEE Computer 30(4): 83-90 (1997)
11 Amitava Raha, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Admission Control for Hard Real-Time Connections in ATM LANs. INFOCOM 1996: 180-188
10EESanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: An Efficient Optimal Reconfiguration Algorithm for FDDI-Based Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(4): 411-424 (1996)
9 Nicholas Malcolm, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Real-Time Communication in FDDI Networks. Real-Time Systems 10(1): 75-107 (1996)
8 Sanjay Kamat: An Efficient Optimal Reconfiguration Algorithm for FBRNs. ICDCS 1995: 325-332
7 Amitava Raha, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Guaranteeing End-to-End Deadlines in ATM Networks. ICDCS 1995: 60-68
6EEAmitava Raha, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Using traffic regulation to meet end-to-end deadlines in ATM LANs. ICNP 1995: 152-
5 Biao Chen, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Fault-tolerant Real-Time Communication in FDDI-Based Networks. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1995: 141-151
4EEFang Feng, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Guaranteeing application-to-application deadlines in distributed real-time systems. LCN 1995: 296-
3 Sanjay Kamat, Gopal Agrawal, Wei Zhao: On Available Bandwidth in FDDI-Based Reconfigurable Networks. INFOCOM 1994: 1390-1397
2 Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao: Real-Time Schedulability of Two Token Ring Protocols. ICDCS 1993: 347-354
1 Sanjay Kamat, Nicholas Malcolm, Wei Zhao: Performance Evaluation of a Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Guaranteeing Synchronous Messages with Arbitrary Deadlines in an FDDI Network. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1993: 34-43

Coauthor Index

1Gopal Agrawal [3]
2Mansoor Alicherry [19]
3George Apostolopoulos [15] [18]
4Erol Basturk [13] [17]
5Alexander Birman [13] [17]
6Biao Chen [5] [12]
7G. Delp [13] [17]
8Fang Feng [4]
9Andrea Francini [19]
10Roch Guérin [13] [14] [15] [17] [18]
11Ashok K. Gupta [19]
12R. Haas [13] [17]
13Adiseshu Hari [19]
14Xiaohua Jia [16]
15Dilip D. Kandlur [13] [17]
16Pramod V. Koppol [19]
17Nicholas Malcolm [1] [9]
18P. Pan [13] [17]
19Dimitrios E. Pendarakis [13] [17]
20Vinod G. J. Peris [13] [14] [17]
21Amitava Raha [6] [7] [11] [16]
22Raju Rajan [13] [14] [17]
23Debanjan Saha [13] [17]
24Dor Skuler [19]
25Dimitrios Stiliadis [19]
26Satish K. Tripathi [15]
27D. Williams [13] [17]
28Wei Zhao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)