
Alonzo C. Addison

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10EEMario Santana-Quintero, Alonzo C. Addison: Digital Tools for Heritage Information Management and Protection: The Need of Training. VSMM 2007: 35-46
9 Hongbin Zha, Zhigeng Pan, Hal Thwaites, Alonzo C. Addison, Maurizio Forte: Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems, 12th International Conference, VSMM 2006, Xi'an, China, October 18-20, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
8EEAlonzo C. Addison, Scot Thrane Refsland, Robert J. Stone: Guest Editors' Introduction. Presence 15(3): (2006)
7 Nicolò Ceccarelli, Alonzo C. Addison, Rachel M. Strickland: Exploring Landscape, Documenting Culture, Constructing Memory: The Loire Valley Internet Workshop. ICHIM (1) 2001: 583-593
6EEAlonzo C. Addison: Virtual heritage: technology in the service of culture. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 343-354
5EEScot Thrane Refsland, Takeo Ojika, Alonzo C. Addison, Robert J. Stone: Guest Editors' Introduction: Virtual Heritage-Breathing New Life into Our Ancient Past. IEEE MultiMedia 7(2): 20-21 (2000)
4EEAlonzo C. Addison: Emerging Trends in Virtual Heritage. IEEE MultiMedia 7(2): 22-25 (2000)
3EEAlonzo C. Addison, Marco Gaiani: Virtualized Architectural Heritage: New Tools and Techniques. IEEE MultiMedia 7(2): 26-31 (2000)
2EEAlonzo C. Addison, Douglas MacLeod, Gerald Margolis, Beit Hashoah, Michael Naimark, Hans-Peter Schwarz: Museums without walls: new media for new museums (panel session). SIGGRAPH 1995: 480-481
1EEAlonzo C. Addison, Alfredo S. Andia, Nicolò Ceccarelli, Gustavo J. Llavaneras, Makoto Majima, Ken Roger Sawai: Computer graphics for architecture and design presentations: current work and trends outside the U.S. SIGGRAPH 1994: 490-491

Coauthor Index

1Alfredo S. Andia [1]
2Nicolò Ceccarelli [1] [7]
3Maurizio Forte [9]
4Marco Gaiani [3]
5Beit Hashoah [2]
6Gustavo J. Llavaneras [1]
7Douglas MacLeod [2]
8Makoto Majima [1]
9Gerald Margolis [2]
10Michael Naimark [2]
11Takeo Ojika [5]
12Zhigeng Pan [9]
13Scot Thrane Refsland [5] [8]
14Mario Santana-Quintero [10]
15Ken Roger Sawai [1]
16Hans-Peter Schwarz [2]
17Robert J. Stone [5] [8]
18Rachel M. Strickland [7]
19Hal Thwaites [9]
20Hongbin Zha [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)