
Scot Thrane Refsland

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5EEAlonzo C. Addison, Scot Thrane Refsland, Robert J. Stone: Guest Editors' Introduction. Presence 15(3): (2006)
4 Scot Thrane Refsland, Takeo Ojika, Robert F. Berry: Enhanced Environments: Large Scale, Real-Time Ecosystems. Presence 11(3): 221-246 (2002)
3EEScot Thrane Refsland, Takeo Ojika, Alonzo C. Addison, Robert J. Stone: Guest Editors' Introduction: Virtual Heritage-Breathing New Life into Our Ancient Past. IEEE MultiMedia 7(2): 20-21 (2000)
2EEScot Thrane Refsland, Takeo Ojika, Robert F. Berry: The Living Virtual Kinka Kuji Temple: A Dynamic Environment. IEEE MultiMedia 7(2): 65-67 (2000)
1EEScot Thrane Refsland, Takeo Ojika, Thomas A. DeFanti, Andrew E. Johnson, Jason Leigh, Carl Loeffler, Xiaoyuan Tu: Virtual Great Barrier Reef: A Theoretical Approach Towards an Evolving, Interactive VR Environment Using a Distributed DOME and CAVE System. Virtual Worlds 1998: 323-336

Coauthor Index

1Alonzo C. Addison [3] [5]
2Robert F. Berry [2] [4]
3Thomas A. DeFanti [1]
4Andrew E. Johnson [1]
5Jason Leigh [1]
6Carl Loeffler [1]
7Takeo Ojika [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Robert J. Stone [3] [5]
9Xiaoyuan Tu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)