
Philippe Galinier

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19EESegla Kpodjedo, Filippo Ricca, Philippe Galinier, Giuliano Antoniol: Recovering the Evolution Stable Part Using an ECGM Algorithm: Is There a Tunnel in Mozilla? CSMR 2009: 179-188
18EEPhilippe Galinier, Alain Hertz, Sandrine Paroz, Gilles Pesant: Using Local Search to Speed Up Filtering Algorithms for Some NP-Hard Constraints. CPAIOR 2008: 298-302
17EESegla Kpodjedo, Filippo Ricca, Philippe Galinier, Giuliano Antoniol: Error Correcting Graph Matching Application to Software Evolution. WCRE 2008: 289-293
16EEMarc-Olivier Ouellet, Steven Chamberland, Philippe Galinier: On the Planning Problem of Wireless Local Area Networks with Directional Antennas. WiMob 2008: 655-660
15EEConcettina Del Grosso, Giuliano Antoniol, Ettore Merlo, Philippe Galinier: Detecting buffer overflow via automatic test input data generation. Computers & OR 35(10): 3125-3143 (2008)
14EEChristian Desrosiers, Philippe Galinier, Alain Hertz: Efficient algorithms for finding critical subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(2): 244-266 (2008)
13EEPhilippe Galinier, Alain Hertz, Nicolas Zufferey: An adaptive memory algorithm for the k-coloring problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(2): 267-279 (2008)
12EEChristian Desrosiers, Philippe Galinier, Pierre Hansen, Alain Hertz: Improving Frequent Subgraph Mining in the Presence of Symmetry. MLG 2007
11EEPhilippe Galinier, Alain Hertz: Solution techniques for the Large Set Covering Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(3): 312-326 (2007)
10EEPhilippe Galinier, Alain Hertz: A survey of local search methods for graph coloring. Computers & OR 33: 2547-2562 (2006)
9EEPhilippe Galinier, Brigitte Jaumard: A Tabu Search algorithm for difference triangle sets and Golomb rulers. Computers & OR 33: 955-970 (2006)
8EEConcettina Del Grosso, Giuliano Antoniol, Massimiliano Di Penta, Philippe Galinier, Ettore Merlo: Improving network applications security: a new heuristic to generate stress testing data. GECCO 2005: 1037-1043
7EEPhilippe Galinier, Michel Gendreau, Patrick Soriano, Serge Bisaillon: Solving the frequency assignment problem with polarization by local search and tabu. 4OR 3(1): 59-78 (2005)
6 Christiane Dzongang, Philippe Galinier, Samuel Pierre: Une heuristique taboue pour le routage et l'affectation de longueurs d'onde avec scénarios de panne. Annales des Télécommunications 60(9-10): 1140-1160 (2005)
5EEStéphane Bourdais, Philippe Galinier, Gilles Pesant: HIBISCUS: A Constraint Programming Application to Staff Scheduling in Health Care. CP 2003: 153-167
4 Philippe Galinier, Jin-Kao Hao: Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Graph Coloring. J. Comb. Optim. 3(4): 379-397 (1999)
3 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne, Philippe Galinier: Tabu Search for Frequency Assignment in Mobile Radio Networks. J. Heuristics 4(1): 47-62 (1998)
2 Philippe Galinier, Jin-Kao Hao: Tabu Search for Maximal Constraint Satisfaction Problems. CP 1997: 196-208
1 Philippe Galinier, Michel Habib, Christophe Paul: Chordal Graphs and Their Clique Graphs. WG 1995: 358-371

Coauthor Index

1Giuliano Antoniol [8] [15] [17] [19]
2Serge Bisaillon [7]
3Stéphane Bourdais [5]
4Steven Chamberland [16]
5Christian Desrosiers [12] [14]
6Raphaël Dorne [3]
7Christiane Dzongang [6]
8Michel Gendreau [7]
9Concettina Del Grosso [8] [15]
10Michel Habib [1]
11Pierre Hansen [12]
12Jin-Kao Hao [2] [3] [4]
13Alain Hertz [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [18]
14Brigitte Jaumard [9]
15Segla Kpodjedo [17] [19]
16Ettore Merlo [8] [15]
17Marc-Olivier Ouellet [16]
18Sandrine Paroz [18]
19Christophe Paul [1]
20Massimiliano Di Penta [8]
21Gilles Pesant [5] [18]
22Samuel Pierre [6]
23Filippo Ricca [17] [19]
24Patrick Soriano [7]
25Nicolas Zufferey [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)