
Kim Taylor

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6 Virginia Eaton, Charlotte Owens, Kim Taylor: Bridging the Gender Gap: Girls R.O.C.. WebNet 2000: 969
5 Carol Critchlow, Kim Taylor: The Inhibition Spectrum and the Achievement of Causal Consistency. Distributed Computing 10(1): 11-27 (1996)
4 Prakash Panangaden, Kim Taylor: Concurrent Common Knowledge: Defining Agreement for Asynchronous Systems. Distributed Computing 6(2): 73-93 (1992)
3EECarol Critchlow, Kim Taylor: The Inhibition Spectrum and the Achievement of Causal Consistency. PODC 1990: 31-42
2 Kim Taylor: The Role of Inhibition on Asynchronous Consistent-Cut Protocols. WDAG 1989: 280-291
1EEPrakash Panangaden, Kim Taylor: Concurrent Common Knowledge: A New Definition of Agreement for Asynchronous Systems. PODC 1988: 197-209

Coauthor Index

1Carol Critchlow [3] [5]
2Virginia Eaton [6]
3Charlotte Owens [6]
4Prakash Panangaden [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)