The Representation of a Temporal Data Model in the Relational Environment.
Arie Segev, Arie Shoshani:
The Representation of a Temporal Data Model in the Relational Environment.
SSDBM 1988: 39-61@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ssdbm/SegevS88,
author = {Arie Segev and
Arie Shoshani},
editor = {Maurizio Rafanelli and
John C. Klensin and
Per Svensson},
title = {The Representation of a Temporal Data Model in the Relational
booktitle = {Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 4th International
Working Conference SSDBM, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988, Proccedings},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {339},
year = {1988},
isbn = {3-540-50575-X},
pages = {39-61},
ee = {db/conf/ssdbm/SegevS88.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/88},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
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Printed Edition
Maurizio Rafanelli, John C. Klensin, Per Svensson (Eds.):
Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 4th International Working Conference SSDBM, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988, Proccedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 339 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-50575-X
Contents BibTeX
- [Adiba & Quang 86]
- Michel E. Adiba, N. Bui Quang:
Historical Multi-Media Databases.
VLDB 1986: 63-70 BibTeX
- [Ahn 86]
- Ilsoo Ahn:
Towards An Implementation of Database Management Systems with Temporal Support.
ICDE 1986: 374-381 BibTeX
- [Ariav et al 84]
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- Gad Ariav:
A Temporally Oriented Data Model.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 11(4): 499-527(1986) BibTeX
- [Bolour et al 82]
- A. Bolour, T. L. Anderson, L. J. Dekeyser, Harry K. T. Wong:
The Role of Time in Information Processing: A Survey.
SIGMOD Record 12(3): 27-50(1982) BibTeX
- [Clifford & Tansel 85]
- James Clifford, Abdullah Uz Tansel:
On An Algebra For Historical Relational Databases: Two Views.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 247-265 BibTeX
- [Clifford & Croker 87]
- James Clifford, Albert Croker:
The Historical Relational Data Model (HRDM) and Algebra Based on Lifespans.
ICDE 1987: 528-537 BibTeX
- [Gadia 86]
- Shashi K. Gadia:
Toward a Multihomogeneous Model for a Temporal Database.
ICDE 1986: 390-397 BibTeX
- [Gadia & Yeung 88]
- Shashi K. Gadia, Chuen-Sing Yeung:
A Generalized Model for a Relational Temporal Database.
SIGMOD Conference 1988: 251-259 BibTeX
- [Gunadhi & Segev 88]
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- [Klopproge 81]
- Manfred R. Klopprogge:
TERM: An Approach to Include Time Dimension in the Entity-Relationship Model.
ER 1981: 473-508 BibTeX
- [Lum et al 84]
- Vincent Y. Lum, Peter Dadam, R. Erbe, Jürgen Günauer, Peter Pistor, Georg Walch, H. Werner, John Woodfill:
Designing DBMS Support for the Temporal Dimension.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 115-130 BibTeX
- [McKenzie & Snodgrass 87]
- L. Edwin McKenzie, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Extending the Relational Algebra to Support Transaction Time.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 467-478 BibTeX
- [Navathe & Ahmed 86]
- Shamkant B. Navathe, Rafi Ahmed:
A Temporal Relational Model and a Query Language.
Inf. Sci. 49(1-3): 147-175(1989) BibTeX
- [Navathe & Ahmed 87]
- Shamkant B. Navathe, Rafi Ahmed:
TSQL: A Language Interface for History Databases.
Temporal Aspects in Information Systems 1987: 109-122 BibTeX
- [Rotem & Segev 87]
- Doron Rotem, Arie Segev:
Physical Organization of Temporal Data.
ICDE 1987: 547-553 BibTeX
- [Segev & Shoshani 87]
- Arie Segev, Arie Shoshani:
Logical Modeling of Temporal Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 454-466 BibTeX
- [Segev & Shoshani 88]
- Arie Segev, Arie Shoshani:
Modeling Temporal Semantics.
Temporal Aspects in Information Systems 1987: 47-57 BibTeX
- [Shoshani & Kawagoe 86]
- Arie Shoshani, Kyoji Kawagoe:
Temporal Data Management.
VLDB 1986: 79-88 BibTeX
- [Smith & Smith 77]
- John Miles Smith, Diane C. P. Smith:
Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(2): 105-133(1977) BibTeX
- [Snodgrass 84]
- Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Temporal Query Language TQuel.
PODS 1984: 204-213 BibTeX
- [Snodgrass & Ahn 85]
- Richard T. Snodgrass, Ilsoo Ahn:
A Taxonomy of Time in Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 236-246 BibTeX
- [Snodgrass 87]
- Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Temporal Query Language TQuel.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 247-298(1987) BibTeX
- [Studer 86]
- Rudi Studer:
Modeling Time Aspects of Information Systems.
ICDE 1986: 364-373 BibTeX
- [Tansel 86]
- Abdullah Uz Tansel:
Adding time dimension to relational model and extending relational algebra.
Inf. Syst. 11(4): 343-355(1986) BibTeX
Referenced by
- Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Claudio Bettini, Alexander Brodsky, Sushil Jajodia:
Logical Design for Temporal Databases with Multiple Granularities.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 22(2): 115-170(1997)
- Andrew Westlake:
A Simple Structure for Statistical Meta-Data.
SSDBM 1997: 186-195
- Debabrata Dey, Terence M. Barron, Veda C. Storey:
A Complete Temporal Relational Algebra.
VLDB J. 5(3): 167-180(1996)
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass, Michael D. Soo:
Extending Existing Dependency Theory to Temporal Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(4): 563-582(1996)
- A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson:
Temporal Triggers in Active Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(3): 471-486(1995)
- A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson:
Temporal Conditions and Integrity Constraints in Active Database Systems.
SIGMOD Conference 1995: 269-280
- Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Specialization and Generalization.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(6): 954-974(1994)
- Hongjun Lu, Beng Chin Ooi, Kian-Lee Tan:
On Spatially Partitioned Temporal Join.
VLDB 1994: 546-557
- Andreas Oberweis, Volker Sänger:
GTL - A Graphical Language for Temporal Data.
SSDBM 1994: 22-31
- Praveen Seshadri, Miron Livny, Raghu Ramakrishnan:
Sequence Query Processing.
SIGMOD Conference 1994: 430-441
- Mikhail R. Kogalovsky:
Time Series Relation Data Model.
ADBIS 1994: 235-242
- Himawan Gunadhi, Arie Segev:
Efficient Indexing Methods for Temporal Relations.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(3): 496-509(1993)
- Richard H. Wolniewicz, Goetz Graefe:
Algebraic Optimization of Computations over Scientific Databases.
VLDB 1993: 13-24
- Rakesh Chandra, Arie Segev:
Managing Temporal Financial Data in an Extensible Database.
VLDB 1993: 302-313
- Satyendra P. Rana, Farshad Fotouhi:
Efficient Processing of Time-Joins in Temporal Data Bases.
DASFAA 1993: 427-432
- Himawan Gunadhi, Arie Segev:
Query Processing Algorithms for Temporal Intersection Joins.
ICDE 1991: 336-344
- Ellen Rose, Arie Segev:
TOODM - A Temporal Object-Oriented Data Model with Temporal Constraints.
ER 1991: 205-229
- Himawan Gunadhi, Arie Segev:
A Framework for Query Optimization in Temporal Databases.
SSDBM 1990: 131-147
- T. Y. Cliff Leung, Richard R. Muntz:
Query Processing for Temporal Databases.
ICDE 1990: 200-208
- Arie Segev, Himawan Gunadhi:
Event-Join Optimization in Temporal Relational Databases.
VLDB 1989: 205-215
- Andrew Westlake:
Geographical Database Systems and Statistical Information -Panel.
SSDBM 1988: 420-426
- Maurizio Rafanelli:
Research Topics in Statistical and Scientific Database Management: the IV SSDBM.
SSDBM 1988: 1-18
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