Telcordia LSI Engine: Implementation Scalability and Issues.

Chung-Min Chen, Ned Stofel, Mike Post, Chumki Basu, Devasis Bassu, Clifford Behrens: Telcordia LSI Engine: Implementation Scalability and Issues. RIDE-DM 2001: 51-58
  author    = {Chung-Min Chen and
               Ned Stofel and
               Mike Post and
               Chumki Basu and
               Devasis Bassu and
               Clifford Behrens},
  editor    = {Karl Aberer and
               Ling Liu},
  title     = {Telcordia LSI Engine: Implementation Scalability and Issues},
  booktitle = {Eleventh International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering:
               Document Management for Data Intensive Business and Scientific
               Applications, Heidelberg, Germany, 1-2 April 2001},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {2001},
  isbn      = {0-7695-0957-6},
  pages     = {51-58},
  ee        = {db/conf/ride/ChenSPBB01.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ride/2001},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}
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