
Iliano Cervesato

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53 Iliano Cervesato, Helmut Veith, Andrei Voronkov: Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, 15th International Conference, LPAR 2008, Doha, Qatar, November 22-27, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
52EEKevin Watkins, Iliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning, David Walker: Specifying Properties of Concurrent Computations in CLF. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 199: 67-87 (2008)
51EEIliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov, Joe-Kai Tsay, Christopher Walstad: Breaking and fixing public-key Kerberos. Inf. Comput. 206(2-4): 402-424 (2008)
50 Iliano Cervesato: Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2007. Computer and Network Security, 12th Asian Computing Science Conference, Doha, Qatar, December 9-11, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
49EEIliano Cervesato, Mark-Oliver Stehr: Representing the MSR cryptoprotocol specification language in an extension of rewriting logic with dependent types. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 20(1-2): 3-35 (2007)
48EEIliano Cervesato, Catherine Meadows: One Picture Is Worth a Dozen Connectives: A Fault-Tree Representation of NPATRL Security Requirements. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 4(3): 216-227 (2007)
47EEIliano Cervesato: NEXCEL, a deductive spreadsheet. Knowledge Eng. Review 22(3): 221-236 (2007)
46EEIliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov, Joe-Kai Tsay, Christopher Walstad: Breaking and Fixing Public-Key Kerberos. ASIAN 2006: 167-181
45EEMichael Backes, Iliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov, Joe-Kai Tsay: Cryptographically Sound Security Proofs for Basic and Public-Key Kerberos. ESORICS 2006: 362-383
44EEIliano Cervesato, Andre Scedrov: Relating State-Based and Process-Based Concurrency through Linear Logic. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 165: 145-176 (2006)
43EEFrederick Butler, Iliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov, Christopher Walstad: Formal analysis of Kerberos 5. Theor. Comput. Sci. 367(1-2): 57-87 (2006)
42EEIliano Cervesato, Catherine Meadows, Dusko Pavlovic: An Encapsulated Authentication Logic for Reasoning about Key Distribution Protocols. CSFW 2005: 48-61
41EEIliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov, Christopher Walstad: Specifying Kerberos 5 cross-realm authentication. WITS 2005: 12-26
40EEIliano Cervesato, Mark-Oliver Stehr: Representing the MSR Cryptoprotocol Specification Language in an Extension of Rewriting Logic with Dependent Types. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 117: 183-207 (2005)
39EESerge Autexier, Iliano Cervesato, Heiko Mantel: Preface to the special issue of selected papers from FCS/VERIFY 2002. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 4(1-2): 1 (2005)
38 Stefano Bistarelli, Iliano Cervesato, Gabriele Lenzini, Fabio Martinelli: Relating multiset rewriting and process algebras for security protocol analysis. Journal of Computer Security 13(1): 3-47 (2005)
37 Iliano Cervesato, Nancy A. Durgin, Patrick Lincoln: A comparison between strand spaces and multiset rewriting for security protocol analysis. Journal of Computer Security 13(2): 265-316 (2005)
36 Catherine Meadows, Paul F. Syverson, Iliano Cervesato: Formal specification and analysis of the Group Domain Of Interpretation Protocol using NPATRL and the NRL Protocol Analyzer. Journal of Computer Security 12(6): 893-931 (2004)
35EEStefano Bistarelli, Iliano Cervesato, Gabriele Lenzini, Roberto Marangoni, Fabio Martinelli: On Representing Biological Systems through Multiset Rewriting. EUROCAST 2003: 415-426
34EEFrederick Butler, Iliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov: Verifying Confidentiality and Authentication in Kerberos 5. ISSS 2003: 1-24
33EEStefano Bistarelli, Iliano Cervesato, Gabriele Lenzini, Fabio Martinelli: Relating Process Algebras and Multiset Rewriting for Immediate Decryption Protocols. MMM-ACNS 2003: 86-99
32EEKevin Watkins, Iliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning, David Walker: A Concurrent Logical Framework: The Propositional Fragment. TYPES 2003: 355-377
31EEIliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning: A Linear Spine Calculus. J. Log. Comput. 13(5): 639-688 (2003)
30EEFrederick Butler, Iliano Cervesato, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov: A Formal Analysis of Some Properties of Kerberos 5 Using MSR. CSFW 2002: 175-
29EEIliano Cervesato, Nancy A. Durgin, Patrick Lincoln, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov: A Comparison between Strand Spaces and Multiset Rewriting for Security Protocol Analysis. ISSS 2002: 356-383
28EEIliano Cervesato: Data Access Specification and the Most Powerful Symbolic Attacker in MSR. ISSS 2002: 384-416
27EEIliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning: A Linear Logical Framework. Inf. Comput. 179(1): 19-75 (2002)
26EEIliano Cervesato: Typed MSR: Syntax and Examples. MMM-ACNS 2001: 159-177
25EEIliano Cervesato, Nancy A. Durgin, John C. Mitchell, Patrick Lincoln, Andre Scedrov: Relating Strands and Multiset Rewriting for Security Protocol Analysis. CSFW 2000: 35-51
24EEPaul F. Syverson, Iliano Cervesato: The Logic of Authentication Protocols. FOSAD 2000: 63-136
23EEIliano Cervesato, Angelo Montanari: A Calculus of Macro-Events: Progress Report. TIME 2000: 47-58
22 Iliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: A Guided Tour through Some Extensions of the Event Calculus. Computational Intelligence 16(2): 307-347 (2000)
21EEIliano Cervesato: Typed Multiset Rewriting Specifications of Security Protocols. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 40: (2000)
20EEIliano Cervesato, Joshua S. Hodas, Frank Pfenning: Efficient resource management for linear logic proof search. Theor. Comput. Sci. 232(1-2): 133-163 (2000)
19EEIliano Cervesato, Nancy A. Durgin, Patrick Lincoln, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov: A Meta-Notation for Protocol Analysis. CSFW 1999: 55-69
18 Iliano Cervesato, Angelo Montanari: A General Modal Framework for the Event Calculus and Its Skeptical and Credulous Variants. J. Log. Program. 38(2): 111-164 (1999)
17 Iliano Cervesato: Proof-Theoretic Foundation of Compilation in Logic Programming. IJCSLP 1998: 115-129
16 Iliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: The Complexity of Model Checking in Modal Event Calculi with Quantifiers. KR 1998: 368-379
15EEIliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: Event Calculus with Explicit Quantifiers. TIME 1998: 81-88
14EEIliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: The Complexity of Model Checking in Modal Event Calculi with Quantifiers. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 2: 1-23 (1998)
13 Iliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: The Complexity of Model Checking in Modal Event Calculi. ICLP 1997: 419
12EEIliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning: Linear Higher-Order Pre-Unification. LICS 1997: 422-433
11EEIliano Cervesato, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari: Modal Event Calculi with Preconditions. TIME 1997: 38-45
10 Angelo Montanari, Luca Chittaro, Iliano Cervesato: A General Modal Framework for the Event Calculus and its Skeptical and Credulous Variants. ECAI 1996: 33-37
9 Iliano Cervesato, Joshua S. Hodas, Frank Pfenning: Efficient Resource Management for Linear Logic Proof Search. ELP 1996: 67-81
8 Iliano Cervesato, Frank Pfenning: A Linear Logical Framework. LICS 1996: 264-275
7 Iliano Cervesato: Petri Nets and Linear Logic: a Case Study for Logic Programming. GULP-PRODE 1995: 313-320
6 Iliano Cervesato, Luca Chittaro, Angelo Montanari: A Modal Calculus of Partially Ordered Events in a Logic Programming Framework. ICLP 1995: 299-313
5 Iliano Cervesato, Luca Chittaro, Angelo Montanari: What the Event Calculus actually does, and how to do it efficiently. GULP-PRODE (2) 1994: 336-350
4 Iliano Cervesato, Luca Chittaro, Angelo Montanari: Modal Event Calculus. SLP 1994: 675
3 Iliano Cervesato, Gianfranco Rossi: A WAM Implementation for the Logic Meta Programming Language 'Log. GULP 1993: 203-214
2 Iliano Cervesato, Christoph F. Eick: Expression and Enforcement of Dynamic Integrity Constraints. SEBD 1993: 283-298
1 Iliano Cervesato, Gianfranco Rossi: Logic Meta-Programming Facilities in 'LOG. META 1992: 148-161

Coauthor Index

1Serge Autexier [39]
2Michael Backes [45]
3Stefano Bistarelli [33] [35] [38]
4Frederick Butler [30] [34] [43]
5Luca Chittaro [4] [5] [6] [10]
6Nancy A. Durgin [19] [25] [29] [37]
7Christoph F. Eick [2]
8Massimo Franceschet [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [22]
9Joshua S. Hodas [9] [20]
10Aaron D. Jaggard [30] [34] [41] [43] [45] [46] [51]
11Gabriele Lenzini [33] [35] [38]
12Patrick Lincoln [19] [25] [29] [37]
13Heiko Mantel [39]
14Roberto Marangoni [35]
15Fabio Martinelli [33] [35] [38]
16Catherine Meadows [36] [42] [48]
17John C. Mitchell [19] [25] [29]
18Angelo Montanari [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [22] [23]
19Dusko Pavlovic [42]
20Frank Pfenning [8] [9] [12] [20] [27] [31] [32] [52]
21Gianfranco Rossi [1] [3]
22Andre Scedrov [19] [25] [29] [30] [34] [41] [43] [44] [45] [46] [51]
23Mark-Oliver Stehr [40] [49]
24Paul F. Syverson [24] [36]
25Joe-Kai Tsay [45] [46] [51]
26Helmut Veith [53]
27Andrei Voronkov [53]
28David Walker [32] [52]
29Christopher Walstad [41] [43] [46] [51]
30Kevin Watkins [32] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)