2009 | ||
84 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Richard Mayr: Minimal Cost Reachability/Coverability in Priced Timed Petri Nets. FOSSACS 2009: 348-363 |
83 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Laurent Van Begin: A Language-Based Comparison of Extensions of Petri Nets with and without Whole-Place Operations. LATA 2009: 71-82 |
82 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Ahmed Rezine: Approximated parameterized verification of infinite-state processes with global conditions. Formal Methods in System Design 34(2): 126-156 (2009) |
2008 | ||
81 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Jonathan Cederberg, Frédéric Haziza, Ahmed Rezine: Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Dynamic Memory Heaps. CAV 2008: 341-354 |
80 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Lukás Holík, Lisa Kaati, Tomás Vojnar: Composed Bisimulation for Tree Automata. CIAA 2008: 212-222 |
79 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pavel Krcál, Wang Yi: R-Automata. CONCUR 2008: 67-81 |
78 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Giorgio Delzanno, Frédéric Haziza, Ahmed Rezine: Parameterized Tree Systems. FORTE 2008: 69-83 |
77 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Luca de Alfaro, Richard Mayr, Sven Sandberg: Stochastic Games with Lossy Channels. FoSSaCS 2008: 35-49 |
76 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Ahmed Rezine: Monotonic Abstraction in Action. ICTAC 2008: 50-65 |
75 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Lukás Holík, Lisa Kaati, Tomás Vojnar: Computing Simulations over Tree Automata. TACAS 2008: 93-108 |
74 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Giorgio Delzanno, Ahmed Rezine: Handling Parameterized Systems with Non-atomic Global Conditions. VMCAI 2008: 22-36 |
73 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Laurent Van Begin: On the Qualitative Analysis of Conformon P Systems. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2008: 78-94 |
72 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Ahmed Rezine: Monotonic Abstraction in Parameterized Verification. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 223: 3-14 (2008) |
71 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Joël Ouaknine, Karin Quaas, James Worrell: Universality Analysis for One-Clock Timed Automata. Fundam. Inform. 89(4): 419-450 (2008) |
70 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Julien d'Orso: Monotonic and Downward Closed Games. J. Log. Comput. 18(1): 153-169 (2008) |
2007 | ||
69 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Ahmed Rezine: Parameterized Verification of Infinite-State Processes with Global Conditions. CAV 2007: 145-157 |
68 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Laurent Van Begin: Comparing the Expressive Power of Well-Structured Transition Systems. CSL 2007: 99-114 |
67 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Joël Ouaknine, Karin Quaas, James Worrell: Zone-Based Universality Analysis for Single-Clock Timed Automata. FSEN 2007: 98-112 |
66 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pavel Krcál, Wang Yi: Sampled Universality of Timed Automata. FoSSaCS 2007: 2-16 |
65 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno, Noomene Ben Henda, Ahmed Rezine: Regular Model Checking Without Transducers (On Efficient Verification of Parameterized Systems). TACAS 2007: 721-736 |
64 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Richard Mayr: Decisive Markov Chains CoRR abs/0706.2585: (2007) |
63 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johanna Högberg, Lisa Kaati: Bisimulation Minimization of Tree Automata. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(4): 699-713 (2007) |
62 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pritha Mahata, Richard Mayr: Dense-Timed Petri Nets: Checking Zenoness, Token liveness and Boundedness. Logical Methods in Computer Science 3(1): (2007) |
61 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Richard Mayr: Decisive Markov Chains. Logical Methods in Computer Science 3(4): (2007) |
2006 | ||
60 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Markus Müller-Olm: Software Verification: Infinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis, 19.02. - 24.02.2006 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 | |
59 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Richard Mayr, Sven Sandberg: Eager Markov Chains. ATVA 2006: 24-38 |
58 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Lisa Kaati, Johanna Högberg: Bisimulation Minimization of Tree Automata. CIAA 2006: 173-185 |
57 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Ahmed Rezine, Mayank Saksena: Proving Liveness by Backwards Reachability. CONCUR 2006: 95-109 |
56 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Richard Mayr, Sven Sandberg: Limiting Behavior of Markov Chains with Eager Attractors. QEST 2006: 253-264 |
55 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Markus Müller-Olm: 06081 Abstracts Collection -- Software Verification: Infinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis. Software Verification: Infinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis 2006 |
54 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Markus Müller-Olm: 06081 Executive Summary -- Software Verification: Infinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis. Software Verification: Infinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis 2006 |
53 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pritha Mahata, Richard Mayr: Dense-Timed Petri Nets: Checking Zenoness, Token liveness<br> and<br><br> Boundedness CoRR abs/cs/0611048: (2006) |
52 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Axel Legay, Julien d'Orso, Ahmed Rezine: Tree regular model checking: A simulation-based approach. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 69(1-2): 93-121 (2006) |
2005 | ||
51 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Lisa Kaati, Marcus Nilsson: Minimization of Non-deterministic Automata with Large Alphabets. CIAA 2005: 31-42 |
50 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla: Verification of Parameterized Timed Systems. FORMATS 2005: 95-97 |
49 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell: Decidability and Complexity Results for Timed Automata via Channel Machines. ICALP 2005: 1089-1101 |
48 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, Richard Mayr: Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property. LICS 2005: 127-136 |
47 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Axel Legay, Julien d'Orso, Ahmed Rezine: Simulation-Based Iteration of Tree Transducers. TACAS 2005: 30-44 |
46 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Pritha Mahata: Closed, Open, and Robust Timed Networks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(3): 117-151 (2005) |
45 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Christel Baier, S. Purushothaman Iyer, Bengt Jonsson: Simulating perfect channels with probabilistic lossy channels. Inf. Comput. 197(1-2): 22-40 (2005) |
44 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Nathalie Bertrand, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Ph. Schnoebelen: Verification of probabilistic systems with faulty communication. Inf. Comput. 202(2): 141-165 (2005) |
2004 | ||
43 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson, Julien d'Orso, Mayank Saksena: Regular Model Checking for LTL(MSO). CAV 2004: 348-360 |
42 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson, Mayank Saksena: A Survey of Regular Model Checking. CONCUR 2004: 35-48 |
41 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Pritha Mahata, Aletta Nylén: Forward Reachability Analysis of Timed Petri Nets. FORMATS/FTRTFT 2004: 343-362 |
40 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pritha Mahata, Richard Mayr: Decidability of Zenoness, Syntactic Boundedness and Token-Liveness for Dense-Timed Petri Nets. FSTTCS 2004: 58-70 |
39 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Gunnar Stålmarck, Herman Ågren, Ove Åkerlund: Designing Safe, Reliable Systems Using Scade. ISoLA 2004: 115-129 |
38 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johan Deneaux, Gunnar Stålmarck, Herman Ågren, Ove Åkerlund: Designing Safe, Reliable Systems using Scade. ISoLA (Preliminary proceedings) 2004: 111-118 | |
37 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Pritha Mahata: Multi-Clock Timed Networks. LICS 2004: 345-354 |
36 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aletta Nylén: Better Quasi-Ordered Transition Systems CoRR cs.LO/0409052: (2004) |
35 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, S. Purushothaman Iyer, Aletta Nylén: SAT-Solving the Coverability Problem for Petri Nets. Formal Methods in System Design 24(1): 25-43 (2004) |
34 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aurore Collomb-Annichini, Ahmed Bouajjani, Bengt Jonsson: Using Forward Reachability Analysis for Verification of Lossy Channel Systems. Formal Methods in System Design 25(1): 39-65 (2004) |
2003 | ||
33 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson, Julien d'Orso: Algorithmic Improvements in Regular Model Checking. CAV 2003: 236-248 |
32 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Julien d'Orso: Deciding Monotonic Games. CSL 2003: 1-14 |
31 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich: Verification of Probabilistic Systems with Faulty Communication. FoSSaCS 2003: 39-53 |
30 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Model checking of systems with many identical timed processes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(1): 241-264 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
29 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Pritha Mahata, Julien d'Orso: Regular Tree Model Checking. CAV 2002: 555-568 |
28 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson, Julien d'Orso: Regular Model Checking Made Simple and Efficient. CONCUR 2002: 116-130 |
2001 | ||
27 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Channel Representations in Protocol Verification. CONCUR 2001: 1-15 |
26 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Luc Boasson, Ahmed Bouajjani: Effective Lossy Queue Languages. ICALP 2001: 639-651 |
25 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aletta Nylén: Timed Petri Nets and BQOs. ICATPN 2001: 53-70 |
24 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Ensuring completeness of symbolic verification methods for infinite-state systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 256(1-2): 145-167 (2001) |
2000 | ||
23 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Invited Tutorial: Verification of Infinite-State and Parameterized Systems. CAV 2000: 4 | |
22 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, S. Purushothaman Iyer, Aletta Nylén: Unfoldings of Unbounded Petri Nets. CAV 2000: 495-507 | |
21 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Christel Baier, S. Purushothaman Iyer, Bengt Jonsson: Reasoning about Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems. CONCUR 2000: 320-333 |
20 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aletta Nylén: Better is Better than Well: On Efficient Verification of Infinite-State Systems. LICS 2000: 132-140 |
19 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Per Bjesse, Niklas Eén: Symbolic Reachability Analysis Based on SAT-Solvers. TACAS 2000: 411-425 |
18 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Karlis Cerans, Bengt Jonsson, Yih-Kuen Tsay: Algorithmic Analysis of Programs with Well Quasi-ordered Domains. Inf. Comput. 160(1-2): 109-127 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
17 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson: Handling Global Conditions in Parameterized System Verification. CAV 1999: 134-145 |
16 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aurore Annichini, Saddek Bensalem, Ahmed Bouajjani, Peter Habermehl, Yassine Lakhnech: Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis. CAV 1999: 146-159 |
15 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: On the Existence of Network Invariants for Verifying Parameterized Systems. Correct System Design 1999: 180-197 |
14 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Aurore Annichini, Ahmed Bouajjani: Symbolic Verification of Lossy Channel Systems: Application to the Bounded Retransmission Protocol. TACAS 1999: 208-222 |
1998 | ||
13 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, Bengt Jonsson: On-the-Fly Analysis of Systems with Unbounded, Lossy FIFO Channels. CAV 1998: 305-318 | |
12 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Mats Kindahl, Doron Peled: A General Approach to Partial Order Reductions in Symbolic Verification (Extended Abstract). CAV 1998: 379-390 | |
11 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Karlis Cerans: Simulation Is Decidable for One-Counter Nets (Extended Abstract). CONCUR 1998: 253-268 |
10 | EE | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Verifying Networks of Timed Processes (Extended Abstract). TACAS 1998: 298-312 |
1997 | ||
9 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mats Kindahl, Doron Peled: An Improved Search Strategy for Lossy Channel Systems. FORTE 1997: 251-264 | |
1996 | ||
8 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Karlis Cerans, Bengt Jonsson, Yih-Kuen Tsay: General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State Systems. LICS 1996: 313-321 | |
7 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels. Inf. Comput. 127(2): 91-101 (1996) | |
6 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Undecidable Verification Problems for Programs with Unreliable Channels. Inf. Comput. 130(1): 71-90 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
5 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mats Kindahl: Decidability of Simulation and Bisimulation between Lossy Channel Systems and Finite State Systems (Extended Abstract). CONCUR 1995: 333-347 | |
1994 | ||
4 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Undecidable Verification Problems for Programs with Unreliable Channels. ICALP 1994: 316-327 | |
1993 | ||
3 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson: Verifying Programs with Unreliable Channels LICS 1993: 160-170 | |
1992 | ||
2 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla: Automatic Verification of a Class Systolic Circuits. Formal Asp. Comput. 4(2): 149-194 (1992) | |
1988 | ||
1 | Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Stefan Arnborg: An Equivalence Decision Problem in Systolic Array Verification. Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems 1988: 236-245 |