
Li-Fung Chang

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7 Ramón Cáceres, Li-Fung Chang, Ravi Jain: ACM/Kluwer Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access. MONET 6(1): 7-8 (2001)
6EEZhimei Jiang, Li-Fung Chang, Byoung Jo Kim, Kin K. Leung: Incorporating proxy services into wide area cellular IP networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(3): 299-312 (2001)
5EEZhimei Jiang, Li-Fung Chang, N. K. Shankaranarayanan: Providing Multiple Service Classes For Bursty Data Traffic in Cellular Networks. INFOCOM 2000: 1087-1096
4 Ravi Jain, Thomas Raleigh, Danny Yang, Li-Fung Chang, Charles Graff, Michael Bereschinsky, Mitesh Patel: Enhancing Survivability of Mobile Internet Access Using Mobile IP with Location Registers. INFOCOM 1999: 3-11
3 Andrea F. Lobo, Li-Fung Chang: Fixed-Network Call Setup Display in a PCN Architecture with ATM Transport. ICC (3) 1997: 1566-1571
2 Ravi Jain, Subhashini Rajagopalan, Li-Fung Chang: Phone Number Portability for PCS Systems with ATM Backbones Using Distributed Dynamic Hashing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(1): 96-105 (1997)
1 Michael J. Beller, Li-Fung Chang, Yacov Yacobi: Privacy and Authentication on a Portable Communications System. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(6): 821-829 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Beller [1]
2Michael Bereschinsky [4]
3Ramón Cáceres [7]
4Charles Graff [4]
5Ravi Jain [2] [4] [7]
6Zhimei Jiang [5] [6]
7Byoung Jo Kim [6]
8Kin K. Leung [6]
9Andrea F. Lobo [3]
10Mitesh Patel [4]
11Subhashini Rajagopalan [2]
12Thomas Raleigh [4]
13N. K. Shankaranarayanan [5]
14Yacov Yacobi [1]
15Danny Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)