
Jean-Jacques Girardot

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15EEAnnie Corbel, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Kristine Lund: A Method for Capitalizing upon and Synthesizing Analyses of Human Interactions. EC-TEL Workshops 2006
14 Fabien Laniel, Mihaela Mathieu, Jean-Jacques Girardot: A Solution for an Unified Vision of the Enterprise Informations. ISPE CE 2006: 381-388
13EEXavier Tannier, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Mihaela Mathieu: Classifying XML tags through "reading contexts". ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2005: 143-145
12 Xavier Tannier, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Mihaela Mathieu: Utilisation de la langue naturelle pour l'interrogation de documents structurés. CORIA 2005: 135-150
11 Fabien Laniel, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Mihaela Mathieu: Schéma d'indexation de corpus de transcription. INFORSID 2005: 419-434
10EEXavier Tannier, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Mihaela Mathieu: Analysing Natural Language Queries at INEX 2004. INEX 2004: 395-409
9 Yamina Zellouf, Philippe Jaillon, Jean-Jacques Girardot: Providing Rated Documents on the Net. WebNet 1999: 1173-1178
8 Bich-Liên Doan, Michel Beigbeder, Jean-Jacques Girardot, Philippe Jaillon: Using Metadata to Improve Organization and Information Retrieval on the WWW. WebNet 1998
7 Hakim Kahlouche, Jean-Jacques Girardot: A Stepwise Refinement Based Approach for Synthesizing Protocol Specifications in an Interpreted Petri Net Model. INFOCOM 1996: 1165-1173
6EEJean-Jacques Girardot: The CTalk Programming Language: A Strategic Evolution of APL. APL 1992: 78-87
5EEJean-Jacques Girardot: APL as an Embedded Language: The Ultimate Application? APL 1991: 186-196
4EEJean-Jacques Girardot: The A+ Programming Language, a Different APL. APL 1990: 149-160
3EEJean-Jacques Girardot: Arrays and References. APL 1990: 161-172
2EEJean-Jacques Girardot, Sega Sako: An object oriented extension to APL. APL 1987: 128-137
1EEJean-Jacques Girardot, Florence Rollin: The syntax of APL, an old approach revisited. APL 1987: 441-449

Coauthor Index

1Michel Beigbeder [8]
2Annie Corbel [15]
3Bich-Liên Doan [8]
4Philippe Jaillon [8] [9]
5Hakim Kahlouche [7]
6Fabien Laniel [11] [14]
7Kristine Lund [15]
8Mihaela Mathieu [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
9Florence Rollin [1]
10Sega Sako [2]
11Xavier Tannier [10] [12] [13]
12Yamina Zellouf [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)