
Adrian Bowyer

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14EEXueqing Li, Wenping Wang, Ralph R. Martin, Adrian Bowyer: Using low-discrepancy sequences and the Crofton formula to compute surface areas of geometric models. Computer-Aided Design 35(9): 771-782 (2003)
13EERalph R. Martin, Huahao Shou, Irina Voiculescu, Adrian Bowyer, Guojin Wang: Comparison of interval methods for plotting algebraic curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 19(7): 553-587 (2002)
12EEAdrian Bowyer, Jakob Berchtold, David Eisenthal, Irina Voiculescu, Kevin D. Wise: Interval Methods in Geometric Modeling. GMP 2000: 321-327
11 Irina Voiculescu, Jakob Berchtold, Adrian Bowyer, Ralph R. Martin, Qijiang Zhang: Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power- and Bernstein-Form Polynomials. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2000: 410-423
10EEAdrian Bowyer, Jakob Berchtold: Robust arithmetic for multivariate Bernstein-form polynomials. Computer-Aided Design 32(11): 681-689 (2000)
9EEKevin D. Wise, Adrian Bowyer: A Survey of Global Configuration-Space Mapping Techniques for a Single Robot in a Static Environment. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(8): 762-779 (2000)
8 T. J. G. Davies, Ralph R. Martin, Adrian Bowyer: Computing Volume Properties Using Low-Discrepancy Sequences. Geometric Modelling 1999: 55-72
7EEStephen Parry-Barwick, Adrian Bowyer: Multidimensional set-theoretic feature recognition. Computer-Aided Design 27(10): 731-740 (1995)
6EEAdrian Bowyer: Make pretend. Computer-Aided Design 24(9): 459 (1992)
5 Andrew F. Wallis, Adrian Bowyer, James H. Davenport, Philip S. Milne, Julian A. Padget: The Use of Symbolic Computation in Geometric Modelling. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 1988: 199-206
4 Adrian Bowyer, James H. Davenport, Philip S. Milne, Julian A. Padget, Andrew F. Wallis: Applications of computer algebra in solid modelling. EUROCAL 1987: 244-245
3EEDayong Zhang, Adrian Bowyer: CSG Set-Theoretic Solid Modelling and NC Machining of Blend Aurfaces. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1986: 236-245
2 Adrian Bowyer: Computing Dirichlet Tessellations. Comput. J. 24(2): 162-166 (1981)
1 Adrian Bowyer, Philip J. Willis, John R. Woodwark: A Multiprocessor Architecture for Solving Spatial Problems. Comput. J. 24(4): 353-357 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Jakob Berchtold [10] [11] [12]
2James H. Davenport [4] [5]
3T. J. G. Davies [8]
4David Eisenthal [12]
5Xueqing Li [14]
6Ralph R. Martin (Ralph Martin) [8] [11] [13] [14]
7Philip S. Milne [4] [5]
8Julian A. Padget [4] [5]
9Stephen Parry-Barwick [7]
10Huahao Shou [13]
11Irina Voiculescu [11] [12] [13]
12Andrew F. Wallis [4] [5]
13Guojin Wang [13]
14Wenping Wang [14]
15Philip J. Willis [1]
16Kevin D. Wise [9] [12]
17John R. Woodwark [1]
18Dayong Zhang [3]
19Qijiang Zhang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)