
Andreas Vogel

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9EEMichael Fry, Aruna Seneviratne, Andreas Vogel, Varuni Witana: QoS management in a World Wide Web environment which supports continuous media. Distributed Systems Engineering 4(1): 38-47 (1997)
8EEWayne Brookes, Stephen Crawley, Jadwiga Indulska, Douglas Kosovic, Andreas Vogel: Types and their management in open distributed systems. Distributed Systems Engineering 4(4): 177-190 (1997)
7 Mirion Bearman, Keith Duddy, Kerry Raymond, Andreas Vogel: Trader Down Under: Upside Down and Inside Out. TAPOS 3(1): 15-29 (1997)
6EEAndreas Vogel, Brigitte Kerhervé, Gregor von Bochmann, Jan Gecsei: Distributed Multimedia and QOS: A Survey. IEEE MultiMedia 2(2): 10-19 (1995)
5EEAndreas Vogel, Brigitte Kerhervé, Gregor von Bochmann, Jan Gecsei: Distributed multimedia applications and quality of service: a survey. CASCON 1994: 71
4 Andreas Vogel: Towards a formal computational model for distributed multimedia applications. FORTE 1994: 373-375
3 Brigitte Kerhervé, Andreas Vogel, Gregor von Bochmann, Rachida Dssouli, Jan Gecsei, Abdelhakim Hafid: On distributed multimedia presentational applications: functional and computational architecture and QoS negotiation. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1994: 21-37
2 Joachim Fischer, Andreas Prinz, Andreas Vogel: Different FDT's Confronted with Different ODP-Viewpoints of the Trader. FME 1993: 332-350
1 Wolfgang Coy, Andreas Vogel: Eine einfach strukturierte Schaltwerk-Normalform mit niedriger Test-Komplexität. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 12(11/12): 557-565 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Mirion Bearman [7]
2Gregor von Bochmann [3] [5] [6]
3Wayne Brookes [8]
4Wolfgang Coy [1]
5Stephen Crawley [8]
6Rachida Dssouli [3]
7Keith Duddy [7]
8Joachim Fischer [2]
9Michael Fry [9]
10Jan Gecsei [3] [5] [6]
11Abdelhakim Hafid [3]
12Jadwiga Indulska [8]
13Brigitte Kerhervé [3] [5] [6]
14Douglas Kosovic [8]
15Andreas Prinz [2]
16Kerry Raymond [7]
17Aruna Seneviratne [9]
18Varuni Witana [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)