
H. B. M. Jonkers

Hans Jonkers

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13EEH. B. M. Jonkers: Interface Specification: A Balancing Act (Extended Abstract). CBSE 2004: 5-6
12EEElla E. Roubtsova, L. C. M. van Gool, Ruurd Kuiper, H. B. M. Jonkers: Consistent specification of interface suites in UML. Software and System Modeling 1(2): 98-112 (2002)
11EEElla E. Roubtsova, L. C. M. van Gool, Ruurd Kuiper, H. B. M. Jonkers: A Specification Model for Interface Suites. UML 2001: 457-471
10EEHans Jonkers: Interface-Centric Architecture Descriptions. WICSA 2001: 113-124
9EEH. B. M. Jonkers: ISpec: Towards Practical and Sound Interface Specifications. IFM 2000: 116-135
8EEH. B. M. Jonkers: Communication and Synchronisation Using Interaction Objects. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 1321-1342
7EELoe M. G. Feijs, H. B. M. Jonkers: History, principles and application of the SPRINT method. Journal of Systems and Software 41(3): 199-219 (1998)
6 H. B. M. Jonkers: An Overview of the SPRINT Method. FME 1993: 403-427
5 H. B. M. Jonkers: Upgrading the Pre- and Postcondition Technique. VDM Europe (1) 1991: 428-456
4 H. B. M. Jonkers: Inheritance in COLD. Algebraic Methods 1989: 277-301
3 H. B. M. Jonkers: An Introduction to COLD-K. Algebraic Methods 1987: 139-205
2 H. B. M. Jonkers: Description Algebra. Algebraic Methods 1987: 283-306
1 H. B. M. Jonkers: A Fast Garbage Compaction Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(1): 26-30 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Loe M. G. Feijs [7]
2L. C. M. van Gool [11] [12]
3Ruurd Kuiper [11] [12]
4Ella E. Roubtsova [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)