
Bent Thomsen

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22EEThomas Bøgholm, Henrik Kragh-Hansen, Petur Olsen, Bent Thomsen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen: Model-based schedulability analysis of safety critical hard real-time Java programs. JTRES 2008: 106-114
21EEBent Thomsen: Using On-Line Tutorials in Introductory IT Courses. Reflections on the Teaching of Programming 2008: 68-74
20EEMartin Schoeberl, Hans Sondergaard, Bent Thomsen, Anders P. Ravn: A Profile for Safety Critical Java. ISORC 2007: 94-101
19EERene Hansen, Bent Thomsen: Using Weighted Graphs for Computationally Efficient WLAN Location Determination. MobiQuitous 2007: 1-5
18 Bent Thomsen, Lone Leth Thomsen: Towards Global Computations Guided by Concurrency Theory. Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 2001: 460-468
17EEPierpaolo Degano, Corrado Priami, Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen: Causality for Debugging Mobile Agents. Acta Inf. 36(5): 335-374 (1999)
16 Bent Thomsen, Lone Leth Thomsen: Towards Global Computations Guided by Concurrency Theory. Bulletin of the EATCS 66: 92-99 (1998)
15 Bent Thomsen, Lone Leth, Tsung-Min Kuo: A Facile Tutorial. CONCUR 1996: 278-298
14 Flemming Nielson, Patrick Cousot, Mads Dam, Pierpaolo Degano, Pierre Jouvelot, Alan Mycroft, Bent Thomsen: Logical and Operational Methods in the Analysis of Programs and Systems. LOMAPS 1996: 1-21
13 Pierpaolo Degano, Corrado Priami, Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen: Analysis of Facile Programs: A Case Study. LOMAPS 1996: 345-369
12 Roberta Borgia, Pierpaolo Degano, Corrado Priami, Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen: Understanding Mobile Agents via a Non-Interleaving Semantics for Facile. SAS 1996: 98-112
11 Bent Thomsen: Programming Languages, Analysis Tools, and Concurrency Theory. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 57 (1996)
10 Roberto M. Amadio, Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen: From a Concurrent Lambda-Calculus to the Pi-Calculus. FCT 1995: 106-115
9 Lone Leth, Bent Thomsen: Some Facile Chemistry. Formal Asp. Comput. 7(3): 314-328 (1995)
8 Bent Thomsen: A Theory of Higher Order Communicating Systems Inf. Comput. 116(1): 38-57 (1995)
7 Jean-Marc Andreoli, Lone Leth, Remo Pareschi, Bent Thomsen: True Concurrency Semantics for a Linear Logic Programming Language with Braodcast Communication. TAPSOFT 1993: 182-198
6 Bent Thomsen: Plain CHOCS: A Second Generation Calculus for Higher Order Processes. Acta Inf. 30(1): 1-59 (1993)
5 Bent Thomsen, Lone Leth, Alessandro Giacalone: Some Issues in the Semantics of Facile Distributed Programming. REX Workshop 1992: 563-593
4 Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Bent Thomsen: Partial Specifications and Compositional Verification. Theor. Comput. Sci. 88(1): 15-32 (1991)
3 Bent Thomsen: A Calculus of Higher Order Communicating Systems. POPL 1989: 143-154
2 Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Bent Thomsen: A Modal Process Logic LICS 1988: 203-210
1 Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Bent Thomsen: Compositional Proofs by Partial Specification of Processes. MFCS 1988: 414-423

Coauthor Index

1Roberto M. Amadio [10]
2Jean-Marc Andreoli [7]
3Thomas Bøgholm [22]
4Roberta Borgia [12]
5Patrick Cousot [14]
6Mads Dam [14]
7Pierpaolo Degano [12] [13] [14] [17]
8Alessandro Giacalone [5]
9Rene Hansen [19]
10Pierre Jouvelot [14]
11Henrik Kragh-Hansen [22]
12Tsung-Min Kuo [15]
13Kim Guldstrand Larsen [1] [2] [4] [22]
14Lone Leth [5] [7] [9] [10] [12] [13] [15] [17]
15Alan Mycroft [14]
16Flemming Nielson [14]
17Petur Olsen [22]
18Remo Pareschi [7]
19Corrado Priami [12] [13] [17]
20Anders P. Ravn [20]
21Martin Schoeberl [20]
22Hans Sondergaard [20]
23Lone Leth Thomsen [16] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)