
Hanna Klaudel

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36EEHanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny, Elisabeth Pelz, Franck Pommereau: Towards Efficient Verification of Systems with Dynamic Process Creation. ICTAC 2008: 186-200
35EERoland Bouroulet, Raymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz, Franck Pommereau: Modeling and Analysis of Security Protocols Using Role Based Specifications and Petri Nets. Petri Nets 2008: 72-91
34EEJean-Yves Didier, Bachir Djafri, Hanna Klaudel: MIRELA: A Language for Modeling and Analyzing Mixed Reality Applications Using Timed Automata. VR 2008: 249-250
33EEHanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: M-nets: a survey. Acta Inf. 45(7-8): 537-564 (2008)
32EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: A compositional Petri net translation of general pi -calculus terms. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(4-5): 429-450 (2008)
31EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: Modelling Mobility in High-level Petri Nets. ACSD 2007: 110-119
30EERoland Bouroulet, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: Modelling and verification of authentication using enhanced net semantics of SPL (Security Protocol Language). ACSD 2006: 179-188
29EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: A Petri Net Translation of pi-Calculus Terms. ICTAC 2006: 138-152
28EEChristine Choppy, Serge Haddad, Hanna Klaudel, Fabrice Kordon, Laure Petrucci, Yann Thierry-Mieg: Tutorial on Formal Methods for Distributed and Cooperative Systems. ICTAC 2006: 362-365
27EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: A Petri Net Semantics of a Simple Process Algebra for Mobility. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 154(3): 71-94 (2006)
26EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: Petri Net Semantics of the Finite pi-calculus Terms. Fundam. Inform. 70(3): 203-226 (2006)
25EEGuillaume Hutzler, Hanna Klaudel, D. Yue Wang: Systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs avec contraintes temps-réel. Technique et Science Informatiques 25(3): 317-342 (2006)
24EEJean-Paul Comet, Hanna Klaudel, Stéphane Liauzu: Modeling Multi-valued Genetic Regulatory Networks Using High-Level Petri Nets. ICATPN 2005: 208-227
23EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel: Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications in Composable Parameterized High-Level Petri Nets. Fundam. Inform. 66(3): 221-257 (2005)
22EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: Context-based Process Algebras for Mobility. ACSD 2004: 79-88
21EERoland Bouroulet, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: A Semantics of Security Protocol Language (SPL) using a Class of Composable High-Level Petri Nets. ACSD 2004: 99-110
20EEGuillaume Hutzler, Hanna Klaudel, D. Yue Wang: Towards Timed Automata and Multi-agent Systems. FAABS 2004: 161-172
19EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny: Petri Net Semantics of the Finite pi-Calculus. FORTE 2004: 309-325
18EECécile Bui Thanh, Hanna Klaudel: Object-Oriented Modelling with High-Level Modular Petri Nets. IFM 2004: 287-306
17EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny, Franck Pommereau: Asynchronous Box Calculus. Fundam. Inform. 54(4): 295-344 (2003)
16EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Robert-C. Riemann: General parameterised refinement and recursion for the M-net calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 300(1-3): 259-300 (2003)
15EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Maciej Koutny, Franck Pommereau: An Algebra of Non-safe Petri Boxes. AMAST 2002: 192-207
14EECécile Bui Thanh, Hanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: Petri nets with causal time for system verification. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(5): (2002)
13 Hanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: A Class of Composable and Preemptible High-level Petri Nets with an Application to Multi-Tasking Systems. Fundam. Inform. 50(1): 33-55 (2002)
12EEHanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: A Concurrent Semantics of Static Exceptions in a Parallel Programming Language. ICATPN 2001: 204-223
11 Hanna Klaudel: Compositional high-level Petri net semantics of a parallel programming language with procedures. Sci. Comput. Program. 41(3): 195-240 (2001)
10EEHanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: A Concurrent and Compositional Petri Net Semantics of Preemption. IFM 2000: 318-337
9 Raymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: An Algebraic Box Calculus. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 5(2): 81-108 (2000)
8EEHanna Klaudel, Franck Pommereau: Asynchronous Links in the PBC and M-Nets. ASIAN 1999: 190-200
7 Hanna Klaudel, Robert-C. Riemann: Refinement-based Semantics of Parallel Procedures. PDPTA 1999: 1810-1816
6EEVéronique Benzaken, Nicolas Hugon, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz, Robert-C. Riemann: M-net Calculus Based Semantics for Triggers. ICATPN 1998: 306-325
5EEEike Best, Wojciech Fraczak, Richard P. Hopkins, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: M-Nets: An Algebra of High-Level Petri Nets, with an Application to the Semantics of Concurrent Programming Languages. Acta Inf. 35(10): 813-857 (1998)
4 Hanna Klaudel, Robert-C. Riemann: High Level Expressions with their SOS Semantics (Extended Abstract). CONCUR 1997: 288-301
3EERaymond R. Devillers, Hanna Klaudel, Robert-C. Riemann: General Refinement for High Level Petri Nets. FSTTCS 1997: 297-311
2 Eike Best, Hans Fleischhack, Wojciech Fraczak, Richard P. Hopkins, Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: A Class of Composable High Level Petri Nets with an Application to the Semantics of B(PN)2. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 103-120
1 Hanna Klaudel, Elisabeth Pelz: Communication as Unification in the Petri Box Calculus. FCT 1995: 303-312

Coauthor Index

1Véronique Benzaken [6]
2Eike Best [2] [5]
3Roland Bouroulet [21] [30] [35]
4Christine Choppy [28]
5Jean-Paul Comet [24]
6Raymond R. Devillers [3] [9] [15] [16] [17] [19] [22] [23] [26] [27] [29] [31] [32] [35]
7Jean-Yves Didier [34]
8Bachir Djafri [34]
9Hans Fleischhack [2]
10Wojciech Fraczak [2] [5]
11Serge Haddad [28]
12Richard P. Hopkins [2] [5]
13Nicolas Hugon [6]
14Guillaume Hutzler [20] [25]
15Fabrice Kordon [28]
16Maciej Koutny [15] [17] [19] [22] [26] [27] [29] [31] [32] [36]
17Stéphane Liauzu [24]
18Elisabeth Pelz [1] [2] [5] [6] [9] [21] [30] [35] [36]
19Laure Petrucci (Laure Petrucci-Dauchy) [28]
20Franck Pommereau [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [33] [35] [36]
21Robert-C. Riemann [3] [4] [6] [7] [16]
22Cécile Bui Thanh [14] [18]
23Yann Thierry-Mieg [28]
24D. Yue Wang [20] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)