
Juan Miguel Medina

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23 Nicolás Marín, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, M. Carmen Garrido: Fuzzy Time Representation and Handling in a relational DB. ICSOFT (ISDM/ABF) 2008: 91-97
22EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina: A B+-tree based indexing technique for fuzzy numerical data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(12): 1431-1449 (2008)
21EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina: A Low Implementation Cost Alternative for Indexing Fuzzy Numerical Data. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
20EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons: On Storing Ontologies Including Fuzzy Datatypes in Relational Databases. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
19EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina: An Indexing Technique for Fuzzy Numerical Data. SUM 2007: 187-200
18EEJesús Chamorro-Martínez, Juan Miguel Medina, Carlos D. Barranco, Elena Galán-Perales, José M. Soto-Hidalgo: Retrieving images in fuzzy object-relational databases using dominant color descriptors. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(3): 312-324 (2007)
17EECarlos D. Barranco, Juan Miguel Medina, Jesús Chamorro-Martínez, José M. Soto-Hidalgo: Using a Fuzzy Object-Relational Database for Colour Image Retrieval. FQAS 2006: 307-318
16EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina: Towards a XML Fuzzy Structured Query Language. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 1188-1193
15EEJesús Chamorro-Martínez, Juan Miguel Medina, Carlos D. Barranco, Elena Galán-Perales, José M. Soto-Hidalgo: An Approach to Image Retrieval on Fuzzy Object-Relational Databases using Dominant Color Descriptors. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 676-684
14EECarlos D. Barranco, Jesús R. Campaña, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons: ImmoSoftWeb: a Web Based Fuzzy Application for Real Estate Management. AWIC 2004: 196-206
13EENicolás Marín, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, Daniel Sánchez, María Amparo Vila Miranda: Complex object comparison in a fuzzy context. Information & Software Technology 45(7): 431-444 (2003)
12EEFernando Berzal Galiano, Juan C. Cubero, Fernando Cuenca, Juan Miguel Medina: Relational decomposition through partial functional dependencies. Data Knowl. Eng. 43(2): 207-234 (2002)
11EEJosé Galindo, Juan Miguel Medina: FTSQL2: Fuzzy time in relational databases. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 47-50
10EEJosé Galindo, Juan Miguel Medina, M. Carmen Garrido: Fuzzy division in fuzzy relational databases: an approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 121(3): 471-490 (2001)
9 José Galindo, Juan Miguel Medina, Juan C. Cubero, M. Teresa García: Relaxing the universal quantifier of the division in fuzzy relational databases. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(6): 713-742 (2001)
8EEJosé Galindo, Juan Miguel Medina, Juan C. Cubero, Olga Pons: Management of an estate agency allowing fuzzy data and flexible queries. EUSFLAT-ESTYLF Joint Conf. 1999: 485-488
7 Ramón Alberto Carrasco, José Galindo, María Amparo Vila Miranda, Juan Miguel Medina: Clustering and Fuzzy Classification in a Financial Data Mining Environment. IIA/SOCO 1999
6 Juan C. Cubero, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, María Amparo Vila Miranda: Data Summarization in Relational Databases through Fuzzy Dependencies. Inf. Sci. 121(3-4): 233-270 (1999)
5EEJosé Galindo, Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, Juan C. Cubero: A Server for Fuzzy SQL Queries. FQAS 1998: 164-174
4 Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, Juan C. Cubero, María Amparo Vila Miranda: FREDDI: A Fuzzy Relational Deductive Database Interface. FQAS 1996: 57-74
3 Olga Pons, Juan Miguel Medina, Juan C. Cubero, María Amparo Vila Miranda: An Architecture for a Deductive Fuzzy Relational Database. ISMIS 1996: 491-500
2 Juan Miguel Medina, Olga Pons, María Amparo Vila Miranda: GEFRED: A Generalized Model of Fuzzy Relational Databases. Inf. Sci. 76(1-2): 87-109 (1994)
1 Juan C. Cubero, Juan Miguel Medina, María Amparo Vila Miranda: Influence of Granularity Level in Fuzzy Functional Dependencies. ECSQARU 1993: 73-78

Coauthor Index

1Carlos D. Barranco [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
2Jesús R. Campaña [14] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22]
3Ramón Alberto Carrasco [7]
4Jesús Chamorro-Martínez [15] [17] [18]
5Juan C. Cubero (Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera) [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12]
6Fernando Cuenca [12]
7Elena Galán-Perales [15] [18]
8Fernando Berzal Galiano (Fernando Berzal) [12]
9José Galindo [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
10M. Teresa García [9]
11M. Carmen Garrido [10] [23]
12Nicolás Marín [13] [23]
13María Amparo Vila Miranda [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [13]
14Olga Pons [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [13] [14] [20] [23]
15Daniel Sánchez [13]
16José M. Soto-Hidalgo [15] [17] [18]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)