2008 |
19 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Toralf Hübner,
Peter Forbrig:
HOPS: A Prototypical Specification Tool for Interactive Systems.
DSV-IS 2008: 58-71 |
18 | EE | Daniel Reichart,
Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig,
Maik Wurdel:
Tool Support for Representing Task Models, Dialog Models and User-Interface Specifications.
DSV-IS 2008: 92-95 |
17 | | Daniel Reichart,
Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig,
Maik Wurdel:
Unterschiedliche Präsentationen von Aufgabenmodellen.
Mensch & Computer 2008: 409-412 |
16 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
Some Thoughts about the Horizontal Development of Software Engineers.
TAMODIA/HCSE 2008: 213-220 |
2007 |
15 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Ashraf Gaffar:
Effective Integration of Task-Based Modeling and Object-Oriented Specifications.
HCI (1) 2007: 1092-1101 |
14 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
Towards Activity Representations for Describing Task Dynamics.
TAMODIA 2007: 198-212 |
2006 |
13 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Andreas Gellendin,
Peter Forbrig:
Requirements Elicitation and Elaboration in Task-Based Design Needs More Than Task Modelling: A Case Study.
TAMODIA 2006: 275-291 |
2005 |
12 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
A unified description formalism for complex HCI-systems.
SEFM 2005: 342-351 |
11 | EE | Andreas Wolff,
Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar,
Daniel Reichart:
Linking GUI elements to tasks: supporting an evolutionary design process.
TAMODIA 2005: 27-34 |
2004 |
10 | | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
The Influence of Improved Task Models on Dialogues.
CADUI 2004: 1-14 |
9 | | M. Lüder,
Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar:
Ein Modellbasierter Ansatz für den Entwurf von e-Learning Umgebungen.
DeLFI 2004: 395-396 |
8 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig,
Simone Heftberger,
Christian Stary:
Support for Task Modeling - A "Constructive" Exploration.
EHCI/DS-VIS 2004: 59-76 |
7 | EE | Carsten Eichholz,
Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
Using Task Modelling Concepts for Achieving Adaptive Workflows.
EHCI/DS-VIS 2004: 96-111 |
6 | EE | Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar,
Daniel Reichart,
Daniel Sinnig:
From Models to Interactive Systems Tool Support and XIML.
MBUI 2004 |
5 | EE | Daniel Reichart,
Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar:
Task models as basis for requirements engineering and software execution.
TAMODIA 2004: 51-58 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
Higher-Order Task Models.
DSV-IS 2003: 187-202 |
2001 |
3 | | Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar:
Software development and open user communities.
HCI 2001: 165-169 |
1999 |
2 | | Anke Dittmar,
Peter Forbrig:
Methodological and Tool Support for a Task-Oriented Development of Interactive Systems.
CADUI 1999: 271-274 |
1 | | Peter Forbrig,
Anke Dittmar:
Relations between Use Cases and Task Analysis.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 250-252 |