
Eugene Weinstein

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4EEMehryar Mohri, Pedro Moreno, Eugene Weinstein: Factor Automata of Automata and Applications. CIAA 2007: 168-179
3 James R. Glass, Eugene Weinstein, D. Scott Cyphers, Joseph Polifroni, Grace Chung, Mikio Nakano: A Framework for Developing Conversational User Interfaces. CADUI 2004: 347-358
2EETimothy J. Hazen, Eugene Weinstein, Alex Park: Towards robust person recognition on handheld devices using face and speaker identification technologies. ICMI 2003: 289-292
1EEKen Steele, Jason Waterman, Eugene Weinstein: The oxygen H21 handheld. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 30(3): 3-4 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Grace Chung [3]
2D. Scott Cyphers [3]
3James R. Glass [3]
4Timothy J. Hazen [2]
5Mehryar Mohri [4]
6Pedro Moreno [4]
7Mikio Nakano [3]
8Alex Park [2]
9Joseph Polifroni [3]
10Ken Steele [1]
11Jason Waterman [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)