Proceedings of the C++ Conference. Washington,
April 1991. Usenix Association,
- R. Meyers:
The Interaction of Pointers to Memhers and Virtual Base Classes in C++.
1-12 BibTeX
- Martin D. Carroll:
Problems with Non-invasive Inheritance In C++.
13-28 BibTeX
- Scott Meyers, Moises Lejter:
Automatic Detection of C++ Programming Errors: Initial Thoughts on a lint++.
29-40 BibTeX
- B. Kennedy:
The Features of the Object-Oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy (OATH).
41-50 BibTeX
- B. Martin:
The Separation of Interface and Implementation in C++.
51-64 BibTeX
- Elana D. Granston, Vincent F. Russo:
Signature-Based Polymorphism for C++.
65-79 BibTeX
- Andrew Koenig, Thomas A. Cargill, Keith E. Gorlen, Robert B. Murray, Michael Vilot:
How Useful is Multiple Inheritance in C++?
81-84 BibTeX
- Daniel R. Edelson, Ira Pohl:
A Copying Collector for C++.
85-102 BibTeX
- Dmitry Lenkov, Mickey Mehta, Shankar Unni:
Type Identification in C++.
103-118 BibTeX
- David S. Rosenblum, Alexander L. Wolf:
Representing Semantically Analyzed C++ Code with Reprise.
119-134 BibTeX
- Philippe Gautron:
Porting and Extending the C++ Task System with the Support of Lightweight Processes.
135-146 BibTeX
- David P. Anderson, Jeff A. Bilmes:
Concurrent Real-Time Music in C++.
147-162 BibTeX
- Juha Koivisto, Juhani Malka, James Reilly:
OTSO - An Object-Oriented Approach to Distributed Computation.
163-178 BibTeX
- Mary Fontana, Martin Neath:
Experiences in the Design of a C++ Class Library.
179-192 BibTeX
- B. Cohen, D. Hahn, Neil Soiffer:
Pragmatic Issues in the Implementation of Flexible Libraries for C++.
193-202 BibTeX
- W. Milliken, G. Lauer:
A Network Toolkit.
203-216 BibTeX
- Brian W. Kernighan:
An AWK to C++ Translator.
217-228 BibTeX
- Christopher J. Van Wyk:
A Class Library for Solving Simultaneous Equations.
229-234 BibTeX
- S.-i. Wu:
LogiC++: An Integrated Logic and Object-Oriented Programming Language.
235-243 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:59 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)