
Andrew Koenig

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49 Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo: Teaching Standard C++, Part 2. JOOP 11(8): 64-67 (1999)
48 Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo: Teaching Standard C++, Part 3. JOOP 11(9): 59-63 (1999)
47 Andrew Koenig: A Quiet Revolution. JOOP 10(8): 10-13, 16 (1998)
46 Andrew Koenig: Report from Morristown. JOOP 10(9): 5-8 (1998)
45 Andrew Koenig: A Programming Revolution in Languages Founded on Object Logic. JOOP 11(1): 13-16 (1998)
44 Andrew Koenig: Is Abstraction Good? JOOP 11(2): 66-69 (1998)
43 Andrew Koenig: Simulating Dynamic Types in C++, Part 1. JOOP 11(3): 76-78, 80 (1998)
42 Andrew Koenig: Simulating Dynamic Types in C++, Part 2. JOOP 11(4): 63-67 (1998)
41 Andrew Koenig: Why Are Vectors Efficient? JOOP 11(5): 71-75 (1998)
40 Andrew Koenig: A Standard C++ Appetizer. JOOP 11(6): 85-87 (1998)
39 Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo: Teaching Standard C++. JOOP 11(7): 11-17 (1998)
38 Andrew Koenig: C++ in the Classroom: A Look Forward. JOOP 10(1): 59-61 (1997)
37 Andrew Koenig: Turning an Interface Inside out. JOOP 10(2): 56-58 (1997)
36 Andrew Koenig: Which Container Should we Teach First? JOOP 10(3): 10-12 (1997)
35 Andrew Koenig: A ``++decade'' of C++. JOOP 10(4): 20-23, 34 (1997)
34 Andrew Koenig: Inheritance and Abbreviations. JOOP 10(5): 6-9, 21 (1997)
33 Andrew Koenig: Report from London. JOOP 10(6): 11-16 (1997)
32 Andrew Koenig: Compile-Time Type Computation. JOOP 10(7): 11-14 (1997)
31 Andrew Koenig: The Importance - and Hazards - of Performance Measurement. JOOP 9(8): 58-60 (1997)
30 Andrew Koenig: Iterator Iterators and Temporal Sequences. JOOP 9(9): 66-67, 71 (1997)
29 Andrew Koenig: Function Adaptors. JOOP 8(8): 51-53 (1996)
28 Andrew Koenig: Compatibility vs. Progress. JOOP 8(9): 48-50 (1996)
27 Andrew Koenig: Generic Input Iterators. JOOP 9(1): 72-75 (1996)
26 Andrew Koenig: Memory Allocation and C Compatibility. JOOP 9(2): 42-43, 54 (1996)
25 Andrew Koenig: C++ as a First Language. JOOP 9(3): 47-49 (1996)
24 Andrew Koenig: Design, Behavior, and Expectation. JOOP 9(4): 79-81 (1996)
23 Andrew Koenig: Interface and Initiative. JOOP 9(5): 64-67 (1996)
22 Andrew Koenig: Arithmetic Sequence Iterators. JOOP 9(6): 38-39, 92 (1996)
21 Andrew Koenig: Garbage Collection in C++: No Panacea, but Useful. JOOP 9(7): 55-57 (1996)
20 Andrew Koenig: Introduction to Iterator Adaptors. JOOP 7(8): 66-68 (1995)
19 Andrew Koenig: Polymorphic Reflections. JOOP 7(9): 65-67, 80 (1995)
18 Andrew Koenig: Patterns and Antipatterns. JOOP 8(1): 46-48 (1995)
17 Andrew Koenig: Is Programming Like Photography? JOOP 8(2): 73-75 (1995)
16 Andrew Koenig: Wrapping up the Standard. JOOP 8(3): 60-62 (1995)
15 Andrew Koenig: An Example of Language-Sensitive Design. JOOP 8(4): 56-58, 61 (1995)
14 Andrew Koenig: Function Objects, Templates, and Inheritance. JOOP 8(5): 65-68, 84 (1995)
13 Andrew Koenig: Variations on a Handle Theme. JOOP 8(6): 77-80 (1995)
12 Andrew Koenig: Another Handle Variation. JOOP 8(7): 61-63 (1995)
11 Andrew Koenig: Idiomatic design. OOPS Messenger 6(4): 14-19 (1995)
10 Andrew Koenig, Bjarne Stroustrup: Foundations for Native C++ Styles Softw., Pract. Exper. 25(S4): S4/45-S4/86 (1995)
9 Andrew Koenig: When to Write Buggy Programs. JOOP 7(1): 80-82 (1994)
8 Andrew Koenig: Libraries in Everyday Use. JOOP 7(2): 68-72, 80 (1994)
7 Andrew Koenig: Templates and Generic Algorithms. JOOP 7(3): 45-47 (1994)
6 Andrew Koenig: Surrogate Classes in C++. JOOP 7(4): 71-72, 80 (1994)
5 Andrew Koenig: Generic Iterators. JOOP 7(5): 69-72 (1994)
4 Andrew Koenig: Thoughts on Abstraction. JOOP 7(6): 68-70 (1994)
3 Andrew Koenig: Space-Efficient Trees in C++. C++ Conference 1992: 117-130
2 Andrew Koenig, Thomas A. Cargill, Keith E. Gorlen, Robert B. Murray, Michael Vilot: How Useful is Multiple Inheritance in C++? C++ Conference 1991: 81-84
1 Andrew Koenig, Bjarne Stroustrup: Exception Handling for C++. C++ Conference 1990: 149-176

Coauthor Index

1Thomas A. Cargill [2]
2Keith E. Gorlen [2]
3Barbara Moo [39] [48] [49]
4Robert B. Murray [2]
5Bjarne Stroustrup [1] [10]
6Michael Vilot [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)