
Elana D. Granston

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11EEGayathri Krishnamurthy, Elana D. Granston, Eric Stotzer: Affinity-based cluster assignment for unrolled loops. ICS 2002: 107-116
10 Elana D. Granston, Eric Stotzer, Joe Zbiciak: Software Pipelining Irregular Loops on the TMS320C6000 VLIW DSP Architecture. LCTES/OM 2001: 138-144
9 Eric van der Deijl, Gerco Kanbier, Olivier Temam, Elana D. Granston: A Cache Visualization Tool. IEEE Computer 30(7): 71-78 (1997)
8 François Bodin, Elana D. Granston, Thierry Montaut: Evaluating Two Loop Transformations for Reducing Multiple Writer False Sharing. LCPC 1994: 421-439
7EEElana D. Granston, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Managing Pages in Shared Virtual Memory Systems: Getting the Compiler into the Game. International Conference on Supercomputing 1993: 11-20
6 Elana D. Granston: Toward a Compile-Time Methodology for Reducing False Sharing and Communication Traffic in Shared Virtual Memory Systems. LCPC 1993: 273-289
5EEOlivier Temam, Elana D. Granston, William Jalby: To copy or not to copy: a compile-time technique for assessing when data copying should be used to eliminate cache conflicts. SC 1993: 410-419
4 Elana D. Granston, Vincent F. Russo: Signature-Based Polymorphism for C++. C++ Conference 1991: 65-79
3 Elana D. Granston, Alexander V. Veidenbaum: An Integrated Hardware/Software Solution for Effective Management of Local Storage in High-Performance Systems. ICPP (2) 1991: 83-90
2EEElana D. Granston, Alexander V. Veidenbaum: Detecting redundant accesses to array data. SC 1991: 854-865
1EEEdward H. Gornish, Elana D. Granston, Alexander V. Veidenbaum: Compiler-directed data prefetching in multiprocessors with memory hierarchies. ICS 1990: 354-368

Coauthor Index

1François Bodin [8]
2Eric van der Deijl [9]
3Edward H. Gornish [1]
4William Jalby [5]
5Gerco Kanbier [9]
6Gayathri Krishnamurthy [11]
7Thierry Montaut [8]
8Vincent F. Russo [4]
9Eric Stotzer [10] [11]
10Olivier Temam [5] [9]
11Alexander V. Veidenbaum [1] [2] [3]
12Harry A. G. Wijshoff [7]
13Joe Zbiciak [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)