
Robert B. Murray

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5 Robert B. Murray: A Statically Typed Abstract Representation for C++ Programs. C++ Conference 1992: 83-98
4 Glen McCluskey, Robert B. Murray: Template Instantiation For C++. SIGPLAN Notices 27(12): 47-65 (1992)
3 Andrew Koenig, Thomas A. Cargill, Keith E. Gorlen, Robert B. Murray, Michael Vilot: How Useful is Multiple Inheritance in C++? C++ Conference 1991: 81-84
2 Robert B. Murray: Building Well-Behaved Type Relationships in C++. C++ Conference 1988: 19-30
1 Sumit Bandyopadhyay, Vimal S. Begwani, Robert B. Murray: Compiling for the CRISP Microprocessor. COMPCON 1987: 96-101

Coauthor Index

1Sumit Bandyopadhyay [1]
2Vimal S. Begwani [1]
3Thomas A. Cargill [3]
4Keith E. Gorlen [3]
5Andrew Koenig [3]
6Glen McCluskey [4]
7Michael Vilot [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)